Because I couldn't stop myself: House/Plumber fic. Call it Hummer, if you like.

Jan 27, 2009 15:46

Title: Twice On The Pipe
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Plumber (House/Wilson implied.)
Rating: R
Wordcount: 600
Notes: Dedicated to deelaundry for pushing my anti-fluff buttons. Call it return of the Moody Fic. No beta. Go ahead and gang-bang it. Post-ep for Painless, so assume spoilers.

Summary: It hurts to notice things.


angst, house/wilson, fanfic

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Comments 16

amproof January 28 2009, 01:33:31 UTC
I really liked this. Very interesting little twist on House--extending his self-absorbed cruelty to someone else. Hope the plumber knows to run.


karaokegal January 28 2009, 01:36:39 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I really do believe House and Wilson love each other, but I think it's an incredibly destructive love and neither of them is comfortable enough to be open with it sexually or emotionally, so they're kind of doomed to go through these cycles.

Yeah they do have fun together. SOMETIMES, but I think pretty much everything since the beginning of the third season has leaned toward the darker side and the idea of H/W fluff at this point makes me do crazy things.

Like write House/Plumber fic.


daasgrrl January 28 2009, 02:55:05 UTC
...all I can say is that while you are all about the angst, I read this with an inordinate amount of pure glee. Mainly for getting that scene in the bath that you know everyone was envisaging *g*, and for House once again testing people's limits in unexpected ways. Srangely awesome XD


karaokegal January 28 2009, 04:43:51 UTC
Glad you like. Someone tried to rec me this cutesy, happy, fluffy, playful House/Wilson fic and I was like...what show are you watching? Maybe in the 1st and 2nd Season. MAYBE, but even the pranks in Safe and the whatever House did to Wilson with the chair and the donut this season has such a dark edge to it.

Anyway....Thanks for reading and commenting. Being strangely awesome is my highest goal in life.


starhawk2005 January 28 2009, 13:51:26 UTC
*snort* I feel bad for the plumber. Big 'tip' (pun intended) or not. ;)


karaokegal January 28 2009, 17:32:06 UTC
Well, he seemed pretty good at "handling" House, so maybe it will be a more equal relationship. We already know he has a pair.


starhawk2005 January 30 2009, 22:47:56 UTC
*mesmerized by your icon*


karaokegal January 30 2009, 23:08:05 UTC
It has that effect on many people. :)


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karaokegal January 28 2009, 22:39:14 UTC
That one is hard to look away from.

Glad you like the fic. Thanks for reading and commenting.


valn January 29 2009, 05:07:43 UTC
Love this--you've got a good handle on the dual self-absorbtion and Wilson-obsession that make up House.


karaokegal January 29 2009, 05:09:59 UTC
Thanks so much. Nothing drives House as nuts as Wilson being interested in anything besides him.


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