"Worth The Risk" House MD fic-House/Wilson Hard R and lots of angst Wordcount-1850

Jan 15, 2009 15:09

Title: Worth The Risk
Pairings: House/Wilson, House/Stacy
Author: Karaokegal
Rating: Hard R
Notes: Written for shara_i in the House/Wilson gift exchange. Prompt: Prompt: House and Wilson's friendship when House was with Stacy. Thanks to both beta_goddess and leakey_lover for superlative Beta ( Read more... )

housefic, angst, house/wilson, fanfic

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Comments 45

louiseroho January 16 2009, 00:47:10 UTC
That was pitch perfect.


karaokegal January 17 2009, 12:02:21 UTC

Thanks. I hadn't done a H/W angst-fest in a while, so I had get that head back in place.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


amproof January 16 2009, 02:43:10 UTC
Very good. I like Stacy a lot, but the question of just where Wilson fit in is certainly worth exploring. I like how you handled it.


karaokegal January 17 2009, 12:01:22 UTC
There's definitely a lot to explore. I love incorporating whatever new back story we get and fitting it into my fanon of House/Wilson and House/Stacy (and making sure it's drained of any possibility for fluffy, schmoopy crap.)

Thanks for reading and commenting.


housepiglet January 16 2009, 03:47:22 UTC
I liked this, thanks. A v. interesting take on the aftermath of the first meeting, and I didn't see the end coming until it happened :) Thanks for posting it.


karaokegal January 17 2009, 11:59:23 UTC
Thanks sweetie!

I'm still fascinated by the pre-infarction period, especially the House/Wilson/Stacy dynamic.


lilapaddy January 20 2009, 04:03:50 UTC
I like that era, too, and I'm really grateful someone with as firm a grasp on the characters as you have is interested in H/W/S as well. I just rewatched "The Mistake" from Season Two and that line of House's to Stacy--that he's moved on from threesomes--ALWAYS makes me think of H/W/S. *tosses plotbunny your way*


karaokegal January 20 2009, 04:16:04 UTC
fallen_arazil pretty much owns the pre-infarction H/W/S threesome dynamic. If I did it, it would go EVEN DARKER than my other pre-infarction fics, including When It Really Mattered.

Also, I have a fear of writing threesomes, which is why that will be my costume if there's a Come As You're Not party this year.


topaz_eyes January 16 2009, 17:24:50 UTC
Oh, yes, I can see this happening. An interesting twist, that Stacy knows about Wilson and even gives him advice.


karaokegal January 17 2009, 11:58:09 UTC
Thanks sweetie!

I'm not 100% sure I wrote it believing that Stacy absolutely KNEW about House and Wilson at that point, but on a re-read, I think you're right. Stacy/Wilson have some of the most interesting dynamics in the show, especially during the scenes in Need To Know. Especially the "You're married," "But not to you" exchange.

I was very happy to take the new back-story canon and eliminate any hint of of fluff or schmoop from it.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.


shara_i January 16 2009, 18:46:22 UTC
This was amazing!! And so fascinating! I love how incredibly screwed up House and Wilson's relationship is. And the fact that Stacy knew. I've never seen an author do that but it makes so much sense. Of course House knows that Stacy is smart enough to have figured it out. I loved the scene in the car when Wilson realized that Stacy knew. And the ending was perfect, with Wilson not being able to escape no matter how hard he tries. It was awesome, thank you!!!


karaokegal January 17 2009, 03:42:04 UTC
WHEW! I'm glad you liked. I was a little worried from your requests that you might be looking for something fluffy and that's kind of NOT in my repetoire. This was awesome to write, because it gave me a chance to incorporate the newest H/W canon-backstory and still fit it into my H/W vision of angst.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


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