Goodbye 2008

Dec 31, 2008 23:26

About 1/2 hour to go. Might not stay awake. Just glad to have it over with. I'd planned to clean a closet and re-watch Life On Mars, but that was contingent on hubby being out. He's home and sick, so we're just going to sleep with the television on.

The only resolution is to get the Novel going again. I need to take another shot at weaning myself away from the instant gratification of fan-fic, a rush that's starting to lose its effectiveness anyway. Must get at least 300 words, approx one page done every day. Also investigate short story markets, especially erotica and porn. I sold one; I can do it again.

I love you guys and I'll be starting a new "______ A Day" project in the morning.

Happy New Year! It's gotta be a better one.

new years eve, journal

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