Happiness Meme Day 6

Dec 29, 2008 20:11

Package in the mail from my beloved beta_godess containing a pillowcase (no, I'm not kidding) with an applique of Hugh Laurie as House, with scruff, smirk and gorgeous blue eyes on one side and the John Barrowman in bed picture from the Out Magazine Hot 100 (see Icon)and a note saying that now I could sleep with both of them. Yum. Yum. Yum.

How freakin' cool is that?


Way more interesting and happy-making than what I was originally going to post, which was that I got back to the gym this morning and did 30 minutes on the treadmill. Getting up at 6:00AM and out by 7:00 is a pain in the ass, but any day I work out is better than one I don't.

However, there is this little anecdote...so there I was just out of the shower, naked and wet (get your minds out of the gutter) and this woman trying to get into her locker, asks me if I'm good with locks. I gave it a try and it didn't open, but I got it on the second go round, but it's always weird when anyone talks to you when you're naked, even more so when they ask you to open their lock for them.

meme, meme a day 2008, journal

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