Crackfic for a Sunday Night -"Accessories" Ianto/Thirteen Rated-R

Oct 05, 2008 20:42

Title: Accessories
Fandom: House MD/Torchwood crossover
Pairing: Ianto/Thirteen (reference to J/I/G, implied Jack/Martha/Mickey)
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1490
Notes/Warnings: Blame this particular piece of crack on hllangel, who showed me this image from fandomsecrets, :, ( Read more... )

thirteen, housefic, house md, ianto jones, torchwood, crack!fic, gwen cooper

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Comments 21

chocolate_frapp October 6 2008, 04:20:59 UTC
you probably think I'm crazy but I don't find 13 the slightest bit attractive. this is well written though.


karaokegal October 6 2008, 19:23:02 UTC
Whatever prettiness the actress has is diminished by the lack of interest in the character. At least Cameron earned her place in the line-up by suffering through the Date From Hell and showing us some heart. Thirteen, I'm afraid has none.


chocolate_frapp October 7 2008, 17:49:15 UTC
that is an excellent point.


unfeathered October 6 2008, 09:07:37 UTC
Well, I've never seen House so I have no idea about that side of it (though she looks very attractive in that picture!) but I really like the fic. :-)

I am in awe of the way you manage to write both Ianto and Gwen so differently to most of fandom (and much more in keeping with how I see both relationships) without bashing either of them. Keeping them sympathetic, which is something the actual series didn't manage, for me.

Congratulations! :-)


karaokegal October 6 2008, 19:21:44 UTC
House MD is currently a shell of its former self, but I highly recommend the first two Seasons.

This is a bit more sympathetically than I tend to write Ianto, but I can see things unfolding this way. We KNOW Jack wants that threesome, but I also suspect it will not turn out the way he wants.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


unfeathered October 6 2008, 19:23:31 UTC
It's on my list of things to watch when Jack goes to school and I finally get enough time to both spend time online and watch tv... *g*


deepgirl187 October 6 2008, 12:38:55 UTC
This isn't something I'd normally read
(not a fan of the Jack/Gwen/Ianto pairing), but I really enjoyed it (especially the smutty goodness). Especially the parts where Ianto is trying to find some way to deal with his guilt.

And I can totally see Thirteen doing that. ;)


karaokegal October 6 2008, 19:20:05 UTC
Once the crack!bunny bit me, I had to follow up. I'm convinced J/I/G IS canon, but my angsty side keeps reminding me why it will never work.

I actually have no idea what Thirteen would or would not do, since beyond having Huntingtons and being OMG BISEXUAL!!!, she doesn't really have much personality at all.


deepgirl187 October 6 2008, 20:30:51 UTC
I actually have no idea what Thirteen would or would not do, since beyond having Huntingtons and being OMG BISEXUAL!!!, she doesn't really have much personality at all.

I do agree, Thirteen (as well as all the rest of the new crop), haven't been given much in terms of personality, something I wish they'd rectify in the new season. On the other hand, I see Thirteen as the type of person who would be very open and who wouldn't have much guilt about their sexual liaisons.

I guess my problem with the J/I/G pairing is, well, Gwen. Ever since she started screwing around with Owen, I have to stretch to even tolerate her, and I like Rhys too much for that pairing to work for me. Though I really did like the way you portrayed her relationship with Ianto. I think it mirrors very closely what little we see in the series.


karaokegal October 6 2008, 20:52:16 UTC
I have Gwen issues, but that's not among them and I make no apology for that. It's Jack. End of story. Sorry Rhys.

As for Jack's feelings for Gwen, I have my litany of evidence, but if you're a Gwen!hater, none of them will matter.

I do go with canon evidence of Exit Wounds and The Stolen Earth that Ianto and Gwen are now exactly equivalent in Jack's emotions. IF they wanted to show otherwise, there would have been a separate J/I moment in there, even a "thank god, you're all right" that didn't include Gwen...and there wasn't. There was exactly equivalent hugs, holding, kissing on the head, etc.

I hate all the House Newbies with a vengeance and Thirteen above all just because of the way her so-called secrets have gotten so much fucking prominence. Also if you want to channel Cameron, I wouldn't look to Acceptance and ODOR as her best moment.

This really was just a piece of crack inspired by the braces thing. I have much darker fic in both fandoms in the pipeline.


candesgirl October 6 2008, 13:28:55 UTC
You know hun, if I didn't already know of your sheer hatred for all things Ianto, I'd think after reading this that you didn't really mind him so much!

This was really great, I liked the dynamics of J/G/I very much, I can see that angle very clearly on Jack's end, the need for both of them and then when finally getting them, it not being at all what he wanted. Ah Jack. I love how he dominates this even without really being a main character.

Great job!


karaokegal October 6 2008, 15:04:54 UTC
My Ianto!hate is generally in porportion to the amount of Ianto!Love and specifically J/I schmoop I'm being exposed to. When no one is up in my face trying to convince me that Jack REALLYTRULY Wuvs Ianto, I can almost deal with with him.

Also, I like to flatter myself that I'm a better writer than those who claim they can't write sympathetic stories about characters they hate.

I actually think there's a more serious story (or several) to be written about this angle, since I'm convinced that I'm convinced the end of Exit Wounds and The Stolen Earth DO suggest canon-J/I/G, but that there will be this inherent problem. Either Jack is going to try and trick them into wanting each other more (the old alien sex spray?) or present an ultimatum, work it out or he dumps them both.

Yes that would be my more "bastardy" Jack, but that IS how I see him sexually.


crowson75 October 6 2008, 13:46:38 UTC
Oh yikes. I can see Ianto doing this and I enjoyed the fic, though I am a J/I shipper. I came out of this feeling really sorry for Gwen. :)


karaokegal October 6 2008, 19:18:15 UTC
Let's face it, Jack is NOT a good influence on anyone. If the J/I shippers in general understood that, the shipwars would be a lot less bloody.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


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