Hey gang, thanks for either coming back, sticking around, or just refusing to leave because you were having such a good time or managed to get stuck to the couch. I figure those of you who are still here or felt like dropping back could help me clean up a little, talk about the party, and nurse our hangovers together. I've got Bloody Marys, Virgin
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I was going to show up with a Wilson/Grace het, but it was turning out all angsty and depressing and I thought dammit, not this time. I wanted to write a sex scene where House and Wilson could simply get lost in the sensation and not have to worry about anything but pleasure. The song lyric was perfect for that. What cinched it for me was at work, the September "In Style" magazine had a "Sexy A to Z" and guess who was D? Hehe. HL was asked in that article, "Home or hotel?" He answered (and I'm paraphrasing), "Hotel. Because both partners can be something they normally aren't." So smut was born. Plus, er, I did want to write a rimming story. I guess that really was "bringing out the need no-one can hear" *whistles innocently*
It was going to be a couple thousand word PWP, but then it developed a plot as I tried to figure out how they got to the hotel room. It was tough though, the hard-core angst was threatening to sneak in anyway, so I hope I yanked it back from the edge. Honestly I didn't expect it to be 13000+ words. Yikes. Of course, the lovely ladies who beta'ed it deserve credit too, for helping polish it up so nicely. Awesome effort by all.
I still think HL looks a hell of a lot nicer in fishnets than I do. :-)
If you're offering another fic party again, I am definitely game! Song snippets are more versatile but why not offer both snippets and whole songs? Let the writer choose then.
30+ fics is manageable I think. The danger with a big challenge is a glut of fic. I liked the word-of-mouth thing, it was more cozy, but you might find it easier to open a comm. Dunno, really.
And oh yes--the costumes. Just amazing amazing amazing. :-)
I honestly wasn't expecting as many fics as we got. If I do it again, I'm defintely taking the day and the next day off because as it was, trying to pretend to do my job and keep up with the fics was almost impossible.
I'm still not 100% sure about opening a community, but I can see where it might make life easier.
And again, your use of the lyric was awesome. Did you get enough candy-corn?
By the way, I'd love to see some Wilson/Grace angsty-het. I know a lot of hard-core H/W slashers insist it was never sexual, no matter what House said in "Euphoria," but if I know my Jimmy...
I've never run a comm, so I don't know how in-depth it is or how much time you want to devote to running it. Whatever you decide, I'm sure it'll work.
I'm glad your party went off so well. I'm sorta behind on fic-reading, so will be madly catching up over the next few days and weeks. And that Wilson/Grace is actually almost done, I just have to buckle down and finish it. Of course Jimmy slept with Grace. He wouldn't be Jimmy otherwise.
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