I'm just a soul whose intentions are good.

Jul 20, 2008 17:23

Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood.

There's a rather interesting coversation going on HERE regarding the Sue-ishness of one Ianto Jones.

I admit forthrightly to being the person the original poster was having the conversation with that sparked the issue.

I'm sure a few more viewpoints would be welcome to the discussion, as it seems rather dominated by the "How dare you say Ianto is a SUE, when obviously it's Gwen who's a Mary Sue, and by the way, here are all the reasons Ianto is wonderful and Gwen is a slutty ho-bag" faction. NOTE-I may be simplifying somewhat.

Before anyone puts on the Wellies and delves in, allow me to say a few things.

1. My original remark was not that Ianto is a Sue, but rather that he is RTD's Mary Sue, which isn't quite the same thing.

2. I liked Ianto when he said the thing about the bananas in Out of Time and when he gave Gwen his arm in Sleeper. So see, I'm not a total hater.

3. I'm gobsmacked at the difference between the show I've been watching obsessively and the one that other people have. Maybe it's like the pre/post-watershed thing. Different versions going out to different mind-sets.

I leave the discussion to those who wish to take it up. I'm off to Davies Hall to hear and see some Tango with the hubby.

ianto jones, torchwood

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