Quickie-fic "Punishment" House/Wilson PG13-ish 300 words

Sep 21, 2006 01:47

Title: Punishment
Author: Karaokegal
Word Count: 300
Pairing: House/Wilson
Spoilers: Third season up to "Informed Consent"
Warnings: Nasty implications.
A/N: Takes place after "Informed Consent"
Thanks to my beloved rivers_bend for insta-Beta after the bunny refused to let me get any sleep until it was done. This is the first H/W I've been able to write ( Read more... )

housefic, house/wilson

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Comments 48

dreamingjewel September 21 2006, 10:07:56 UTC
Ouch! Painful but good. I really enjoy your work. Are you planning at some point to continue your HL/RSL stories they are brilliant?


karaokegal September 21 2006, 17:00:52 UTC
Thanks so much reading and commenting. Wilson needed a hurt put on him. Stayed tuned on the RPS front.


karaokegal September 21 2006, 17:02:07 UTC
Thanks for reading and commenting. Please stay tuned for further RPS. The plot bunnies are churning away.


deelaundry September 21 2006, 11:06:22 UTC
Ooh, I hate you! Noooooo!!!! Oh, and excellently written, and all that.


karaokegal September 21 2006, 17:04:31 UTC
Don't blame me; blame Wilson. Or at least blame the writers. I'm glad it came out ok. Midnight plot bunnies are dangerous critters.


lady_macbeth_13 September 22 2006, 03:51:51 UTC
Since when did Wilson become such a bastard? Has anyone else noticed a mojor change in him this season?


karaokegal September 22 2006, 16:26:04 UTC
rivers_bend and I are convinced he has been kidnapped by aliens and replaced with a pod-person.


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karaokegal September 21 2006, 17:07:04 UTC
Thanks again for pulling out the cliche buster when I needed it. BIG HUGS.


asynca September 21 2006, 22:21:33 UTC
Your icon is LOVE.


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smithy161 September 21 2006, 11:38:09 UTC
o_o bad House! But, of course, that's exactly what he'd do. Very well written.


karaokegal September 21 2006, 17:09:25 UTC
He's bad, but Wilson is so much worse right now. Thanks for commenting.


whatagoodboy71 September 21 2006, 13:11:26 UTC
Whoa...OUCHIE! This DOES seem just like something House would do, but I just can't let my brain actually let it "go there".

(Here's where I insert my ridiculous 34-year-old gay male squee-ee hearbreak: But, but, but....House LOVES Wilson. He'd never fuck him over for a teenaged bombshell in hot "Congo Red" thong panties! That's just too....OUCHIE)

Oh. Very well-written and "spot on" OUCHIE, btw.


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whatagoodboy71 September 21 2006, 13:32:57 UTC
*heaves GIANT sigh of relief*
Okay- good.
Very, very, good.

I just don't know what the hell is going on with Dr. Wilson these days...I'm still completely in T.V love with him, but am not sure about all of the sermonizing he's been doing. (Er, not very sure if that's even an actual word? Any.Way.)

As much as I dislike (o.k, HATE) the idea of House doing anything with the Twinkie Teenaged Stalker Girl, any resulting fic would certainly be entertaining. Brain-shattering, but entertaining. Think of the angst that would ensue!

Hrm. I think that I've just adopted my very first plot bunny.
Awwwww, look how cute it is!

So many possibilites for Bastard!House and BrokenHeart!Wilson.

Sorry for the ramble...it seems I shoud just put the third cup of coffee down, and walk away slowly.


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