MMOM Day 31-"Try To Burn a Torch..." Torchwood fic-Jack/Gwen/Owen

May 31, 2008 18:54

Title: Try To Burn a Torch...
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Gwen/Owen
Rating: Hard R
Wordcount: 800
Notes/Warnings/Spoilers-Post-ep for Countrycide. Gwen-haters, don't bother. Thanks to beta_goddess who always makes my Torchfic that much better and shares my opinions and my sandbox.

Summary: Jack likes to listen.

Let your voices carry )

mmom, owen harper, torchwood, mmom 2008, fanfic, jack harkness, gwen cooper

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Comments 7

maxx02 June 1 2008, 20:12:46 UTC
jack, jack, jack... lol! he's such a bastard in your fic. sometimes it's almost hard to like him.

great wank kg. ;)


karaokegal June 6 2008, 17:20:18 UTC
Thanks. This was actually one of the earlier ones I wrote, it just took awhile to get it betaed and slotted in.

I love bastard!Jack. I know he's not only that, but there's so much of that in him. People who write fluffy!Jack are really missing the point. IMAO.


maxx02 June 7 2008, 03:26:27 UTC
I can see it. I can only imagine what he's had to do to survive and prosper. He wasn't always immortal but he was always an opportunist.

Jack is all flash and trash on the surface. Beneath it all I'll bet he'd eat his mother if he had to, to survive.

I like to read that side of Jack. And I like to see him tortured. I like tortured characters, literally, tortured...;p


kohlrimmedeye June 5 2008, 17:08:31 UTC
Voyeuristic!Jack is always one of my favourite interpretations of Jack and you didn't let me down.

You didn’t have to be an emotional cripple to work for Torchwood... but it helps. I kind of think they should all have that on mugs or something ;)

Hawt and with that lovely undertone of wrong that always makes Torchwood fics awesome.



karaokegal June 6 2008, 17:18:36 UTC
Again,, it seems so obvious to me that Jack is bugging his employees and listening to them in their most intimate moments that I'm sort of surprised when it surprises anybody else. (New Bunny-Jack listening to Rhys/Gwen---go away Bunny-no time for you.)

Seriously. I think House and Jack have similar recruitment criteria.

Thanks for going through all the angst with me.


51stcenturyfox November 11 2008, 02:49:14 UTC
Hoo ray!

Love your Sick!Jack.


karaokegal November 11 2008, 04:49:27 UTC
Thanks so much. Torchwood fucks up everybody in the end, not that I think Jack needed much help.


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