Hello From Cafe Petra-Includes some TV tidbits but no spoilers.

May 26, 2008 11:21

I'm pretty much going to spend the whole day here, downloading Life On Mars episodes, watching fanvids and interviews (thanks to crwban for some links), catching up on LJ and working on mmom fics. So far no celebrity appearances, but I'll keep you informed.

Hubby figured up a way to hook my laptop up to the brand new big-screen plasma TV, so we watched the first three episodes of Series 2 that way, which I do have to admit is an improvement over huddling around my laptop. I love that the Brits know when to end a TV show, but I know I'm going to depressed when we get to the end of this, and of course I'll have to start Ashes to Ashes immediately. I love Sam's longer side-burns, I miss the medallion and OMG!!! It's Elton from Love & Monsters as a baddie. (Marc Warren also fabulous in Hustle.)

CSI-NY....OMG, it's the guy who shot House! (What is up with ALL the season finales this year? Is it me or are they all totally fucked up?)

Speaking of not knowing when to end a show...we're working though the last season of the Sopranos. There's still some moments of brilliance, but a lot of crap and I'm so worried about Vito. I more or less know what's going to happen, but it's painful to watch. Also, AJ is just not in anyway interesting. I'm more determined to finish out the season just for Zeitgeist purposes. I've seen the last scene of course, but I want to see how exactly they get there.

Weeds-we basically zipped through the 2nd disk of the 1st season. Incredible. Just when you think it can't get any more OUT THERE-It goes more OUT THERE and takes you with it. Can't wait to get the 2nd season.

Movie-We rented "I'm Not There," the movie with 6 different actors playing Bob Dylan including Cate Blanchett. Is there nothing this woman cannot do? The movie was uneven but her sections and Christian Bale's were amazing. The section with the black kid was great just to see Richie Havens playing and singing. Richard Gere....eh, and Heath Ledger, I'm sorry to say did not really do it for me. But it's always great to hear those songs and I loved Julianne Moore as Joan Baez.

Mint-It was very crowded yesterday, but with all people I love to hang with so it was cool.

I sang Hello Mary Lou (shout-out to joanne_c) and Angel In Your Arms, because sometimes you need to sing some REALLY BAD 70's music. Will somebody please write me a fic for that song? Please.

"So don't be surprised to find...that the angel in your arms this morning, is gonna be the devil is someone else's arms tonight."

csi-ny, karaoke, life on mars

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