Meme a day 2008-Day 142-Career Make Over Meme

May 25, 2008 12:10

Ganked from fairyhigh

I'm a little dubious about this, although it's certainly flattering to believe.

The Career Makeover
My Result: Teacher

You're the sort of person that people think of fondly, when remembering who helped make a difference in their lives. Your stellar interpersonal skills and compassionate ear for the troubles and life experiences of others makes you a godsend when the going gets tough. And since you're especially smooth at managing responsibility, your listening skills and wisdom are their sharpest when you're in a position of authority. Consider yourself the soul doctor to the world-it's your true work personality.

Who's like you:
Florence Nightingale

Likely careers:
Nurse, pediatrician, veterinarian, party planner, teacher, professor

What are you?

meme, meme a day 2008, journal

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