"Whose Obsession Is It Anyway?" House MD House/Wilson Rating-R Wordcount 1515

Apr 29, 2008 02:47

Title: Whose Obsession Is It Anyway?
Fandom: House MD
Characters: House/Cameron, but it's all about House/Wilson.
Rating-R, mostly for language.
Notes/Warnings: Post ep for No More Mr. Nice Guy. Spoilers & angst galore.
Thanks to k_haldane for the quick look-over.

Summary: It takes one to know one.

My House-induced insomnia, let me show you it. )

housefic, angst, house/wilson, fanfic

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Comments 53

alemyrddin April 29 2008, 11:12:28 UTC
oooh I missed your writing!

This was so, so good!
See, in the end I sort of built up an excuse for Wilson's betrayal but I was so hurt at first... and of course House would be much more.

This works perfectly and there are a few strong punch lines that I absolutely loved.
Particularly, this one: “He wouldn’t know love if it cut his balls off, which apparently it has.”
I like to think that House meant not only the lack-of-erection part, but also Wilson's general passiveness throughout the episode, and his obedience to Amber. (only, in the end, I think it was Wilson's plan from the beginning - but House doesn't know that)

These two parts made me giggle, even if the snark was tinged with sadness.
“Yeah, that thing with Chase. Got me running right after you, except it’s taken me awhile to get there, with the leg and all.”
“Good thing I had Steve instead of a rabbit.”

And this part here, almost broke my heart.
remote glimmer of gratitude that someone still gave enough of a damn to tell him the truth. Followed by more anger. Truth- ( ... )


karaokegal April 29 2008, 16:40:27 UTC
Glad you liked. I guess it's good that the episodes that annoy can be as inspirational as the ones that used to make me swoon.

Not bad for a 2:00AM bunny bit. :)

I think Wilson was actually being a passive/agressive SOB through-out and he's really getting off on the conflict between House and Amber. Probably the previous Wilson Wives had been to too needy to put up a real fight.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. This is still my #1 fandom and and I'm always happy to write these characters, even if I'm making them suffer.


zagzagael April 29 2008, 16:45:16 UTC
EXCELLENT!!!! Utterly tight and perfectly controlled - a very plausible and painful romp through what totally could happen after that episode. Nicely, nicely rendered - and great House voice! I also really enjoyed your House psychology - well done!


karaokegal April 29 2008, 16:53:45 UTC
Thank you. I know what House is like when Wilson does this shit. There's NO WAY, he would just make nice with Amber and clean up the poop.

Glad you liked my House-voice. Hugh's acting and the first two seasons have given me such and incredible character to work with.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


deelaundry April 29 2008, 12:32:23 UTC
You know how to make it bleed. Excellent dive into House's pain.

- Perfect.


karaokegal April 29 2008, 16:42:34 UTC
"And if you want to....you can bleed on me."

Always fun for me to bring on the angst. If nothing else the most recent character assassination turn of events, seems to bear out my three-year campaign against the H/W fluffdom.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Glad you liked.


vanillafluffy April 29 2008, 13:29:19 UTC
Why not let her feed him sesame chicken and then suck his dick.

Hee! Love. (But I'd use a question mark.) And points for the bowling reference!


karaokegal April 29 2008, 15:11:52 UTC
Question mark added. If these bunnies are going to bite at ridiculous hours, the least they could do is bring some punctuation.

Glad you liked. And I gotta say...your boy Chase was looking fine!


babykid528 April 29 2008, 14:27:02 UTC
Thank you!! I needed something after that episode!

Is it bizarre that I was having the same nausea issues as House every time Amber was on the screen? *gags* And the chemistry free kisses only made matters worse. :-P

You made it better. :-)

AND Cameron's not a sad excuse for a woman here and I do so love it when Cameron's got a sense of empowerment. It's good that House can still get to her, and she obviously still loves him, like you said, but she's not obsessed and she's her own person here and that makes me happy since I liked her before TPTB ruined her character. And you made that better too, so yay! :-D

Can we please hope that TPTB forget that they work for Fox so they will give us the final "OMG I'M IN LOVE WITH WILSON!!" admission within the next three episodes and so we get some on screen Hugh/Bobby loving? ;-)


karaokegal April 29 2008, 16:46:37 UTC

I felt that this was a good spot for spiney-Cam to strut her stuff, because she really can relate to House, hard as it would ever be for him to admit.

I'm finding the acting/directing choices very confusing. What did RSL do to David Shore to make him try and castrate the character that badly?

Glad I was able to make it a little better.

I don't think we're going to get what we want (or need) for that matter in the next three episodes, but I know I'll be there watching.

Hugh/Bobby fic in the works for mmom.


chocolate_frapp April 29 2008, 19:48:01 UTC
I said this before and I'll say it again, Wilson and Amber kissing was about as sexy as a little kid being forced to kiss their drunk granma. ewie.
House, Chinese food and oral sex? Holy crap, my three favorite things IN THE WORLD! You're inside my head! You know too much about me!!


karaokegal April 29 2008, 22:13:10 UTC
I honestly wonder if they are deliberately making Wilson/Amber unpalateable or if RSL and Anne Dudek just have NO CHEM. Or RSL is sabotauging.

Yesssss....I am eeeevil. I know ALL ABOUT YOU.


hllangel April 29 2008, 16:41:02 UTC

But I definitely see the lead in from last night's ep.

And there's House swilling down the booze again. Remind me to get back on the Alcoholic fic.

Anyway, wonderful job! You manage very clearly to make H/Cam all about Wilson. Because everything House does these days is all about Wilson.


karaokegal April 29 2008, 16:49:02 UTC
Stupid plot bunnies! Really---I did not need to write this last night, except apparently I did.

Alco-House, Alco-House!

Glad you liked. Thanks for reading and commenting. Always good to have some House MOJO Rising.


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