Meme a day 2008-Day 115-A Week In The LIfe Photo Meme

Apr 28, 2008 19:41

Ganked from strawberrytatoo

- For one week you are to post photographs taken during the day. They can be of absolutely anything, just as long as they are shot between the hours of 12am - 11:59pm of each day ( Read more... )

meme, picspam, meme a day 2008, journal

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Comments 17

kimberweeme April 29 2008, 05:13:55 UTC
Such a cool idea! I might have to try it at some point in the future.


karaokegal April 29 2008, 05:22:05 UTC

I'm not sure I have a weeks worth of interesting things to take photos of.


hannahrorlove April 29 2008, 05:24:29 UTC
You're in San Francisco. How can you say such a thing?


karaokegal April 29 2008, 05:31:22 UTC
True. Maybe I'll do a walk by the Embarcadero on my lunch tomorrow. Plus I can always show the world my moose jammies.


mad_jaks April 29 2008, 07:02:42 UTC
Good morning San Francisco! *Takes a hit of tea*


karaokegal April 29 2008, 17:06:57 UTC
The morning fog may chill the air. I don't care. (Well, sometimes I do, but I love it anyway.)


strawberrytatoo April 29 2008, 09:26:30 UTC
Ohh, cable cars!

I think it is so awesome that you're doing this meme, because I love all glimpses of SF! I definitely need to go there soon.


karaokegal April 29 2008, 09:46:10 UTC
I'll try and get in more travelogue-y stuff.


credulesque April 29 2008, 15:28:43 UTC
Ooh this is a GOOD meme :D
Please take more piccies of San Fran - I've been there once, very nice city


karaokegal April 29 2008, 17:06:13 UTC
I love my city!


ignazwisdom April 30 2008, 03:02:34 UTC
I just think it's charming that you print fanfic at work. :)


karaokegal April 30 2008, 03:56:06 UTC
Well I write it there too. And read it. And Beta it. :)


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