The Punchline

Mar 03, 2017 19:01

Me: Uh...sweetie...SO I'm going to tell you something and I'm giving you the opportunity to laugh your ass off at me, cause I have it coming ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

tourmaline1973 March 4 2017, 12:34:01 UTC
Looks good! I always loved the sound of a harmonium.


karaokegal March 4 2017, 15:16:33 UTC
Well I've always said my future as a Kirtan Wallah is a lot more likely than any path as a yoga teacher. So here goes nothing.


chocolate_frapp March 4 2017, 19:11:03 UTC
I haven't seen you in a long time, you interested in getting together?


karaokegal March 4 2017, 21:57:55 UTC
Best time/place to find me is Saturday afternoon at the Mint. I'm on swing shift Sunday to Thursday and Friday is basically "hubby and errands" day. Life is good, but not really social.


chocolate_frapp March 4 2017, 22:00:22 UTC
I can't do the Mint on Saturdays. Frank has this lovely habit of throwing out my papers and denying it, in addition to his usual bullshit.


karaokegal March 4 2017, 22:25:27 UTC
After a solid year of having to put up with the OTHER Frank's bullshit, including unbridled antagonism toward people who bring their own disks, there's pretty much nothing Frank F. can do that would be as bad. Plus at least I now get the opportunity to do more than one song in an evening. (My previous schedule gave me Thursday and Friday off, so my Mint time was Thursday and due another commitment, I basically got there around 8PM. It was HORRIFIC.)


cuddyclothes March 5 2017, 14:57:48 UTC
That looks neat!


karaokegal March 6 2017, 19:42:17 UTC
The pick-up and my first lesson are on for this Friday.


sharp2799 March 11 2017, 00:00:03 UTC
LOL So your angsting was for nothing.


karaokegal March 11 2017, 01:54:33 UTC
Story of my life, babe!


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