100 TV shows #81-M*A*S*H

May 02, 2016 11:49


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One fic only-written for Yuletide: Lots of angst. Goodbye Means Goodbye

A MEME answer to "Saddest Character Death Ever!"Still determined to finish this thing ( Read more... )

100 things, 100 tv shows, mash

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Comments 9

tourmaline1973 May 3 2016, 20:02:05 UTC
I don't have a M*A*S*H userpic, so here's a Frasier one instead :)

Charles is still my favourite character, I think by the time they introduced him they had got any mistakes they made out of the way. I always thought Charles, Klinger and Father Mulcahy were the most believable characters. It felt like we never really got see any sustained depths to Trapper before Wayne Rogers left, not like with Henry Blake - there's a scene where he & Hawkeye are taking a break from a marathon OR session and he talks about how he appears to have a great medical practice back home, but it's routine work, and even though he hates being in Korea at least he can put his medical skills to better use. After seeing that scene that explained to me why he wasn't much of a leader, though he does honestly try, and he does so from the best intentions.


chocolate_frapp May 3 2016, 23:23:48 UTC
I had a giant crush on Alan Alda back in the 70s like I do on Hugh Laurie now, maybe I'm hardwired to like smartassy doctors. Frank was an effective bad guy but I also sort of felt sorry for him (although it was pretty hard to believe anyone that dumb was a doctor).
Nobody liked Aftermash. I saw it and was totally bored by it. There was another show with Radar that was even worse.


karaokegal June 20 2016, 18:58:49 UTC
I hope you will share my amusement that yesterday in the Lounge, I had the opportunity to check in both a James Wilson and an Allison Cameron.


evila_elf May 6 2016, 06:08:34 UTC
MASH is what brought me to LJ. I used to hang around on ff.net and I had recently rediscovered the series. I was only 1 year old when the finale aired, and I first watched it when I was 10 or so, then again in my early to mid 20s. Found an amazing author and 'stalked her' a little, going to LJ to see when updates were. I never left.

I was part of a group of writers that all wrote fics for the show and we were all quite prolific. A handful of them I still bump into from time to time here. Then House happened and we all migrated to that fandom.

The MASH comms are all pretty dead now. Makes me sad :(


karaokegal June 19 2016, 05:02:58 UTC
Awwwww-sweet story.

Well I'm glad that MASH got you to LJ and then to House...because that's how we all met.

Are the fics still up?


evila_elf June 19 2016, 10:51:57 UTC
My fics, or the fics in the old community?
The old com was http://mash-slash.livejournal.com/
And my fics are in a sticky post at the top of my LJ


joanne_c May 7 2016, 12:24:53 UTC
Your links go to the same place.

I was a fan. It was one of the shows that was always on, always good. It's still always on, though my re-runs of choice have changed, so I don't tend to watch it.

Was too young to ship, but I used to like Margaret and Hawkeye - probably one of my first will they-won't they ships looking back.

I very much agree with you on Frank - I didn't hate the character as much as I should have either, although I was kind of fond of Charles as well.

Hawkeye - I preferred the earlier version, and feel he was kind of smoothed out too much, probably due to what you say about Alan Alda.

I sort of saw it in two parts, so I knew the end before the beginning, so didn't have many huge feelings either way.

I like most of the actors still (those who are still with us). I think Klinger was part of my formative liking men in drag thing as well.


karaokegal June 19 2016, 04:58:44 UTC
I think the links are fixed.

I probably shipped them on some level too, but I still had the resentment toward what the writers did to Frank to "redeem" Hot Lips.

I really want to finish this stupid meme, but I'm having a harder and harder time remembering how I perceived the older shows the first time around...at least beyond the first ones I wrote about that I had the more visceral relationships with.


joanne_c June 20 2016, 05:12:40 UTC
Yep, they are!

I think it was bad writing but then TV has no shortage of that, even in good shows. Not a diss, just how it is.

I think it can be hard, yeah. I guess there wouldn't be 19 newer ones you could do that you haven't already?

Also did you hear about Anton Yelchin? So sad.


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