Weird afternoon at the Mint

May 17, 2015 22:00

On one hand today was Bay to
, so the bar was full of rowdy drunk people in costume,
wanting to get their loud, party karaoke on, while at the same time,
the regulars were having a memorial to "Sir" Donald, one of the gang
who'd been with us for years.

Quite a dichotomy. I only sang three songs, but finished strong with "I'm Still Here," which was one of Donald's songs as well, and thus a fitting tribute.

As a result of the Memorial, my friend Donatello, who I'd been on the
outs with for a few years walked in, hugged me and sat down next to
me. I tried to amends, because he was absolutely right regarding the
thing he was mad about. (Me being a gossip --- if not a Gossypiboma.)
He said we were ok, and that he'd been touchy, but it was OK. This
goes back a couple of years. It was nice to see him and have that

(I know the Steps are in order for a reason, and right now I'm still contending with Step 2, but when the opportunity walks into a bar and plunks itself down next to you...)

blog, karaoke, journal, personal

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