Drabble-"The First Lie" H/W Rating-R

Jun 17, 2006 12:43

Title:The First Lie ( Read more... )

housefic, house/wilson, drabble

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Comments 50

minttown1 June 17 2006, 20:03:20 UTC
I really like this.


lyricalsoul June 17 2006, 20:33:25 UTC

I mean, if a guy's gotta be somewhere when his pain presents, why not in his best friend's bed?

Feed that bunny lots of lettuce and stuff so it will grow.


lily403 June 17 2006, 20:36:29 UTC
YES. *dies*

Expand it. Oh please.


pinglederry June 17 2006, 20:37:36 UTC
Niiiice. *offers you super-bunny food* Go, feed them! You don't want them to starve, do you?

Current Location: Work, where I am supposed to be working.

^__^ But I'll bet this was much more fun.


karaokegal June 18 2006, 00:09:18 UTC
Anything is more fun than my job. Luckily I was alone in the office just taking care of some b.s.


topaz_eyes June 17 2006, 20:42:17 UTC
Oooh, very nice, and definitely needs to be expanded to a full fic. (offers carrots and lettuce to your bunny to help it grow)


karaokegal June 18 2006, 00:11:40 UTC
I'm building the bunny a nice hutch, feeding it the carrots and lettuce and naming it Dennis.
Stay tuned.


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