Maui 2014-Day 1-continued and some of Day 2-THE GOOD NEWS!

Jul 23, 2014 12:05

I'd like to say that Sean at Boss Frog's, aside from being a bit of a prick about my inability to ride the road bike, also put the fear of god, or at least bike thieves into Hubby something fierce.

I had gone to the trouble of taking my Kryptonite lock with me, with this dream of me and Hubby doing a lot of touring on the bikes that would involve us riding to places and locking the bikes while we did stuff. That NEVER happened because Sean had him so scared of the bikes getting stolen and us being in for $3000.00 per bike.

To be honest, I'd also forgotten how FAR Lahaina is from everything that isn't in Lahaina. We LOVE Lahaina because within the city itself, you can get around and get everything you opposed to staying at the big resort areas where you need a car to go anywhere but your own hotel, but getting to the acquarium or Paia for instance....way out of my range...and that is a SCARY highway. So while I'm glad we rented the bikes and I did ride EVERY DAY, it didn't turn out like my vision.

I'm learning a lot about the variance between my VISION and LIFE, which is sort of the lesson that hubby wants me to learn by sitting Zazen, which I promised Hubby and the Buddha and the Universe I'd try if I got the job and as we know, I got the job.

After riding, checking in, hot-tubbing and chillin' and a run to Safeway, we went in search of Din-din and since we didn't want to go far, we had our first meal at Betty's Beach Cafe, which is so very, very awesome that I am currently wearing my Betty's teal hoodie as I sit in SF, at the Desk of Doom writing this trip report for you.

Betty's has the best location, the best food, the nicest staff and is basically right next to Lahaina Shores. We were able to get in for dinner when other restaurants were threatening us with 40 minute wait times, breakfast when other places were only serving lunch and the food was about 8 out of 10 perfect. Hubby says the coffee was a little weak, but what does he know?

My first night, I was still TRYING to Just Eat Real Food and not binge so I had the Island Fever Mahi. "Charbroiled Mahi topped with Roasted Pineapple Salsa and Mango Aioli seved with steamed white rice and Betty's Fresh Slaw" OMG! So good. The flavors were incredible. I've never liked a slaw in my life and I was in love with this stuff. The other awesome thing about Betty's is that it's located just behind where they do the "Feast at Lele" Luau, so you can bogart the dancing without having to go through the food orgy, which nearly KILLED me on the last trip.

Since we'd been up since 4AM, San Francisco time, we were pretty beat and fell asleep to my favorite sleep sound in the world-WAVES!

Woke up 4-5AM ish. Had some veggie juice. Went outside to TRY sitting Zazen on the lawn in front of the hotel with timer for five minutes. HEY, I said I'd try. Mind you, at this point, I was still sweating out the BACKGROUND CHECK in a state of terror that my dream would be snatched away. So I sat and did some push-ups (hoping to not lose ALL my upper body strength in a week of sloth) and went for about an hour's worth of run/walk/run up and down Front Street and the highway in the increasing humidity.

When I got back to the room in a sweltery mess, there was a message on my cell phone: I GOT THROUGH THE BACKGROUND CHECK! I am 100% getting the hell out of here. Whooooo-hoooooo. Happy Dancing! Now I could actually start relaxing and enjoy my vacation.

blog, vacation, travel, maui, maui 2014, personal

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