Great big round up post---Gravity/Broadchurch/Castle/Elementary/Arrow

Oct 14, 2013 11:15

Yes, apparently I'm only watching shows/movies that have one word titles. Assume spoilers and continuing Arrow hate-spew behind the appropriate cuts. Also a rousing chorus of "I'm Still Here" from Follies.

Gravity )

castle, movie review, arrow, broadchurch, elementary

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Comments 8

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karaokegal October 14 2013, 23:14:57 UTC
Glad it's not just me. Even the quirky shirtless math guy felt like a Numb3rs retread.


sharp2799 October 14 2013, 22:53:12 UTC
Castle: I was actually impressed with Lisa E., which is saying a LOT since I loathed what she did to House.

As far as evil government plot, I kept thinking about Jordan, the FBI agent hunting the triple x killer (played by Dana Delany). I couldn't see her putting up with it either so I just had to shrug and do an AU in my head for the FBI.

Elementary. Yep. Good characters, need better mysteries. I LOL'd at how much Sherlock thought about Watson sleeping with his brother. Obsess much? ;)


karaokegal October 14 2013, 23:18:46 UTC
The depiction of Federal types in general hasn't been super-flattering on Castle...Adrian Pasdar was hot as hell (cos he's Adrian Pasdar) but was generally portrayed as a bit of dick...with the obligatory tragic back-story.

It's interesting that Elementary doesn't seem to generate the Sherlock/Mycroft cest-ship that Sherlock does, although I'll have my eyes open for Yuletide prompts. Seriously though...give these characters some decent mysteries INSTEAD of using the slush pile from every other procedural that's come down the pike in the last five years.

I know we agree to disagree on Lisa E., but I think she has been more a victim of bad scripts as opposed to the Machiavellian instigator of destruction.


dref22 October 16 2013, 18:02:27 UTC
"Just do your cute banter, solve mysteries and have let Beckett have the occasional hate-sex vibe with Jack Coleman and I'll be happy. "

LOL I love this XD SHHHHH don't let the Caskett fans hear you XD

BTW I freaking love the fact that Stana Katic got Mr Coleman more than 2000 followers on Twitter in just two days XD

I loved Gravity but I'm still trying to find out why I fee like something was missing...


karaokegal October 16 2013, 18:52:31 UTC
Yeah, my interest in what juggernaut/canon shippers think about anything is less than nil.

Well, considering that Ms. B is still a super-massive black hole of no talent, it could have something to with that.


dref22 October 18 2013, 18:01:20 UTC
Hahaha i actually like SB *hides* and I really thought she was good in this movie XD well, at least she wasn't annoying. :P


joanne_c October 18 2013, 11:28:44 UTC
Gravity - LOVED IT. Wasn't sure it would be for me, but it was an opportunity to go and I went, and I was surprised how much I liked it. Will of course watch George in almost anything, which may have helped. I don't hate Sandra but she's rarely a draw in and of herself but I did think this was a good performance ( ... )


joanne_c October 18 2013, 11:33:56 UTC
Too lazy to edit but agreed on Walter as well. He really is wonderful. And agreement on Felicity as well. I don't get why she's so lauded as better than Laurel or having so much more chemistry with Oliver when she really is not all that in any way, shape or form.

Probably should've just edited the one above after all, as I'm editing this now.

That's not necessarily saying Laurel is amazingly better than Felicity either, just that I don't see how Felicity is SO MUCH MORE ALL THAT, as fandom appears to.

I also don't know how they make Katie Cassidy look so drab as Laurel - in other roles I've seen her in she looked stunning.


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