"Employee Appreciation" Torchwood fic Jack/Owen NC17 Wordcount: 3715

Dec 24, 2007 22:12

Title: Employee Appreciation
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Owen (mention of others)
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 3715
Notes: Written as Christmas gift!fic for the fantabulous paperclipbitch. What could be more festive than hate!sex for the holidays? From the prompt: But no words ever could sell you, sell you on me after all that I have done ( Read more... )

owen harper, torchwood, nc17, jack/owen

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Comments 81

hllangel December 25 2007, 22:00:58 UTC
There is so much wonderful stuff in here I hardly know where to begin. So I"m going to make one of my random lists.

1. Owen's conscious sounds like Jack, and Jack's conscious sounds like the Doctor. Gotta love it.
2. Random musical lines are always good. Especially when they've been mutilated a bit.
3. The betrayed/trust vs. Angry was very good. I hadnt' thought of Jack running short on trust before, but it makes sense.
4. Seems like Owen's got a better handle on Jack than anyone else, just because he hates Jack so much.
5. Hand in a jar. That must ALWAYS be referenced at least once in any Torchwood fic, ever.
6. Frock. do I need to elaborate on that?
7. And you got that line in with perfect timing.
8. The gwen-frame really works. As much as I dont' like her, she plays a definite purpose here.
9. The knees line re: Ianto. That fic needs to be written. ;)


Now off to dig up that one Yuletide fic. :D


karaokegal December 26 2007, 21:00:08 UTC
Thanks for picking up on so many little tidbits I snuck in there. Hand. Frock. Hee. This was such fun to write so I'm glad you enjoyed it. And THANKS so much for the detailed comment. Made my day, darling.


hllangel December 26 2007, 21:02:50 UTC
I challenge you to use the Frock in anything involving Jack. Don't care how you do it, just put it in there. :P


mimarie December 25 2007, 22:01:27 UTC
*happy sigh* I love a good Owen-fic... I can really just see his eyes narrowing when he's thinking, and his voice is so clear here.

All it took to get me hooked on J/O was two looks in Day One (one accompanied by Jack's comment about finding 'available men' in Cardiff...). They're not romantic in the slightest, they're too much alike for either one to get any comfort out of it, and it just *works* - just like this fic. :)

And Jack should definitely get what he wants. Just not too often, because that's half the fun of it ;)


joanne_c December 26 2007, 08:40:34 UTC
It's not just me. It's really not just me.

You see, I've written two Jack/Owen pieces and for some reason? Both were centred around Day One. And I thought, oh, it's because I can ignore everything after and there's the looks, but there really is something more there that says something about them if I'm not the only one who sees it.

Mind you, I do write them finding comfort but it's not exactly... schmoopy comfort...


karaokegal December 26 2007, 16:28:08 UTC
A lot of my J/O love is just a reaction against the cult of "YOU MUST WORSHIP AT THE ALTAR OF J/I BECAUSE IT'S CANON." Sorry, I don't drink that kool-ade.

Owen was such fun to write, especially his vicious wit, which I think would make so much more of a challenge than Ianto's passive/aggressive bullshit.

I'm glad you liked. I put a lot into this one, so thanks so much for reading and commenting.


haldane December 26 2007, 00:04:15 UTC


karaokegal December 26 2007, 16:25:01 UTC
Glad you liked. :)


joanne_c December 26 2007, 08:41:08 UTC
More detail later but I love this! I really love it.

I don't see hate!sex though. Maybe I'm weird.


karaokegal December 26 2007, 20:58:47 UTC
Just curious-don't see the hate!sex in this story or don't see Jack/Owen as a hate!sex pairing?


joanne_c December 29 2007, 17:23:07 UTC
Kind of both but I have a fairly narrow definition of hate!sex (I used to read Mulder/Krycek a lot - they were My First Slash Pairing and hate!sex there set a really high barometer), it has to be a lot more obviously angry than the sex in this story for me to call it hate!sex. And I don't mean non con, it's... I think it's an emotional resonance thing. This to me reads more like fucking than hate!sex and to sort-of quote one of my fictional goddesses, Alyssa Jones from Chasing Amy, "fucking is any sex that isn't purely about love".

Doesn't mean in any way that I didn't love this story or think it fitted them really well though.


karaokegal December 29 2007, 20:36:46 UTC
OK. I guess my definition is a little broader then. I think given the building animosity (although to me always with a sexual tension edge) through the first series culminating in End of Days, and the specifics of Jack's frame of mind in the story, it meets my criteria. I know there's a middle ground between schmoopy/oopy/twoo-wuv and hate!sex with shadings of anger!sex, jealousy!sex, revenge!sex and even apathy!sex, so maybe this was more anger!sex at least on Jack's part, although it wasn't Owen, he was actually angry at, although I did let Owen piss him off, just enough to amp it up.


daisylily December 26 2007, 14:06:09 UTC
Ooh, yes - Torchwood hate-sex is always good :D

Owen is ideal for this kind of fic, because he is such an angry, hate-y person. Hearing Jack's thoughts in this worked really well.


karaokegal December 26 2007, 20:58:10 UTC
Hate!sex of any kind is usually good and you're right about Owen. Even when he should be happy, he's clearly got a lot of issues.

Thanks to much for reading and commenting.


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