Quick reaction to Arrow episode 1-11 "Trust But Verify"

Mar 06, 2013 19:50

If you actually find any value in this show beyond the gorgeousness of Barrowman, you may want to skip this.

STFU Thea, you miserable brat! )

arrow, john barrowman

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Comments 3

donutsweeper March 7 2013, 04:14:29 UTC
Thea is ANNOYING. Tommy isn't great either. And I am sick and tired of the flashbacks to the island. I do like Diggle though. And the trend the show has towards shirtlessness is very appreciated :)


karaokegal March 7 2013, 04:16:34 UTC
The flashback wigs are taking on a wacky horror-show quality of their own. I wouldn't mind some shirtless Barrowman, although I do adore him in the suits. Shirtless Oliver doesn't do much for me, especially when there are loving pans over his scars.


donutsweeper March 7 2013, 04:19:22 UTC
The scars are a bit much, but I still like the view. Diggle needs to be shirtless more often. John too of couse, I mean Malcolm.

Being somewhat familiar with Green Arrow history, the island is RIDICULOUSLY weird and trainspottingesque. So, so many nods and pokes at comic canon there.


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