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karaokegal July 11 2012, 17:56:59 UTC
I love Season 1 so MUCH! Maybe especially because I was able to do the whole thing in one fell, uncut, swoop. The other seasons, I basically watched in real time, FF-ing commercials and having put up with cliff-hangers and hiatuses. So I suffered through Maya and
Alejandro week by week with no way to get around it.

Every season did have good bits. I hated a lot of the Sylar is a Petrelli fake-out, but I LOVED him as a Company Man in a suit with HRG. I hated the "rounding up the specials" plot, but I loved seeing Nathan in all his bad-ass glory, especially when he did stick his neck out to help Claire.

Unfortunately I REALLY hated the Claire/Gretchen crap, mostly because of the set-up. They did way too good a job of making her a creepy stalker for me to be that it was all a misunderstanding later on. The Samuel stuff had so much potential, but went tits up something fierce...although I did love Doyle as a semi-good guy.

I really wasn't aware of the media hatred, at least not at the time. Fannish hatred yes, media no. I actually thought it was a media darling, for the first season anyway.


dref22 July 11 2012, 18:36:55 UTC
I agree about Samuel and his storyline having loads of potential. I too was expecting more. LOL I also agree about Claire/Gretchen even though one of my buddies loves it. XD Eh, I guess nothing is as horrible as Maya.

Oh, there was a huge buzz even before season one aired, but things have changed by season 3 and it's not really about show's quality. I remember an incident that I heard from a buddy who knew stuff from the inside: Heroes people invited EW to the set for interviews and then EW did an elaborate coverpage interview and then smeared them. And NBC made Heroes go media quiet. The thing is, I know so many popular shows becoming awful but none of them got the treatment Heroes did. After that incident and NBC's no media policy, everyone started to blast Heroes in every opportunity.


karaokegal July 11 2012, 18:39:42 UTC
Thanks for filling me in. I generally pretty media-savvy about this stuff, but since I wasn't into Heroes when the first wave broke, I seem to have missed the ensuing fall out when the press found something else shiny to look at. Maya is to Heroes as ODOR is to House MD.


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