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Comments 11

chocolate_frapp May 23 2012, 15:45:39 UTC
You know i would have sex with ANY character Hugh played (well, not Dr. Cockroach) but given the body count on Spooks I might not survive any encounter with Jools, sexual or otherwise.

and the character who drove me nuts on Spooks was that bratty little kid.


karaokegal May 23 2012, 16:52:47 UTC
Possible TMI:
Given my particularly perverse fantasies involving Mr. Siviter and a cast of at least ... well let's just say many others, my health and well-being aren't really the biggest concern.

Well the bratty kid was the child of the WHINEY girlfriend of the equally WHINEY Tom. I really did hate them all, and then he got involved with Christine Dale (the actress of which then turned up as one of the doctors in Broken) she turned into a big ol whiner too. I really HATE whining. (Hence my loathing for a certain sniveling Welshman.)


chocolate_frapp May 23 2012, 18:08:31 UTC
the bratty kid nearly got them all killed fucking playing around with the security system, too. I would have grounded the crotch dropping for life.


cookielaura May 23 2012, 20:18:57 UTC
I stopped watching around season 4 or 5 I think. It seemed pointless getting to know the characters when you were aware they were all going to die horribly as soon as there was a handy gun/explosion/deep fat fryer available.


karaokegal May 23 2012, 20:22:01 UTC
Absolutely. That deep-fryer was just so far over-the-top it kind of poisoned me early on and then when Danny's death was also completely gratuitous. BLECH! But IF they managed to get Hugh back for just one scene of one episode, I'd be on that like ugly on moose.


vanillafluffy May 24 2012, 01:04:55 UTC
OMGyesJOOLS!!! I hunted up the first series on your mention, and it was well worth it. Jools is amazing. Total sexy bastard, emphasis on the bastard. And the sexy. Oooh, it's a toss-up....

Couldn't care less about the rest of them, except Tessa, as I've been crushing on Jenny Agutter since Logan's Run.

And I've gleefully saved this post to "Memories" for the fic index, thanks!



karaokegal May 24 2012, 04:26:03 UTC
Thank you! It's a tribute to Hugh's talent that he made that character so memorably awesome in just two episodes. I love knowing that there are other Jools-lusters out there. It's definitely the bastard that MAKES him sexy.

Did you ever see Peter Firth's appearance on Top Gear? It includes him telling a story about trying to chat up Jenny Agutter and getting totally shot down? Here's the link. The Jenny bit comes at about 4:28.


vanillafluffy May 24 2012, 04:57:19 UTC
Uhh...where's the link?



karaokegal May 24 2012, 04:58:42 UTC

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