MMOM Day 19-"Two of a Kind" Torchwood drabble Rex/Gwen, Jack/Gwen Rating-PG13

May 20, 2012 11:01

Title: Two of a Kind
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Rex/Gwen, Jack/Gwen
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Written for MMOM 2012, Day 19. Prompt from Torchwood100. Challenge #239-Monkey See, Monkey Do. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcom.
Summary: The perils of partnership.

“Better get some rest; busy day tomorrow.”

Rex rolled his eyes in the dark, trying not to let Jack hear his exasperated sigh. He’d been working with Harkness long enough to know the code.

Sure enough, he could soon hear the tell-tale sounds from the other bed. The slosh of lubricant. Muffled groans. Heavy breathing.

Even as he was telling himself, “no, no, no,” Rex started imitating Jack’s actions, right down to the actual tempo.

He didn’t need to hear the familiar name to know who Jack was thinking of. It had to be Gwen Cooper.

Rex copied that too.

mmom, mmom 2012, jack/gwen, tw100, fanfic, drabble, torchwood, jack harkness

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