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Comments 2

louiseroho March 13 2012, 17:50:15 UTC
What is "State of Play" and why is it grouped with the other two?


karaokegal March 13 2012, 18:04:31 UTC
It's an absolutely AWESOME British mini-series from 2003, which you must rent or download or something IMMEDIATELY. Check out the cast:
Make sure to avoid the 2009 US remake like the fucking plague.

It's got brilliant writing, amazing acting, slashy vibes up the WAZOO, (Simm and David Morrissey) plus some OMFG HOT het scenes to boot.

I group it with LoM and Ashes because of Simm and Glenister. (Marc Warren, who was in one LoM episode --- and seems to show up in every British TV show---is in there too.) Glenister is a cop, but he's sort of the anti-Gene. Most of the people I know who are into LoM tend to love this series as well, because Simm gets to angst it up BIG TIME and is super-hot.

Even though it's based on UK politics and journalism, it's all extremely relevant to US politics and seems incredibly prescient.

Please give it a try. I really do think you'll like it. (Dude! Bill Nighy and James McAvoy!)


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