Thanks to
evila_elf for sitting through the episode with me on-line.
Warnings: This may come out a bit "Social Justice Warrior-like," but I'm pissed on behalf of my asexual friends as well as anyone who still cares about this show or just plain decent writing.
Also includes references to Steven Moffat )
Comments 27
As for the asexuals, it would have been SO easy to make the wife a true asexual, and the husband agreeing to become friends with benefits with his own hand for her sake. That would have been respectful treatment imho. OTOH, I never found [H]ouse to be particularly LGBT respectful, I can't forget the poor girl labeled a boy just because she had testicular cancer.
I won't even go on the good wife/bad wife issue because my head might explode.
As for H/W... sigh. I'll be whining at my own lj instead of wetting all your comment page with my tears.
As for Wilson, I take the man at his own (first season) word and House at his obsession with Wilson's sex life. Luckily I'm immune to ret-con that tries to convince that his marriage to Sam broke up over milk and dishes.
Exactly. Medical mystery? Check. Wilson's involved? Check (hey, it's a tumor!). And if he staid with her despite him wanting sex and she being asexual, we would even get a Good Loving Husband - which we both know exist, if rare :). [BTW, in such a case I think that the occasional one night stand or hooker would be allowed. YMMV.]
his marriage to Sam broke up over milk and dishes.No, of course not (actually, the whole Sam-is-back was pretty asinine). I just don't think he was bedding as many women as we're led to believe. For some reason what staid with me was Bonnie's image of him as being kind and gentle and (in a formal sense) the seduced instead of the seducer, and I can totally imagine this happening with the cancer patient, and during his marriage with Sam - and him going home guilty and f**king telling her, and afterwards feeling better and more honest and pure until he gets the divorce papers "out of the blue ( ... )
In this case, I assure you, you missed NOTHING!
For the first time, I really HATED House in an episode. I am really hoping that they let this show die.
Someone really needs to stick an IV of morphine into this thing.
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