"In Too Deep-Part 4" Star Trek/Torchwood crossover Spock, Jack Rating-G

Dec 17, 2011 19:32

Title: In Too Deep-Part 4
Fandom: Star Trek/Torchwood
Characters: Spock, Jack
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 351. Submitted for consci_fan_mo Day 17. Prompt: Torchwood/Star Trek TOS; Jack Harkness, Spock; fascinating. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Star Fleet needs Torchwood. What could possibly go wrong?

“These are the invaders?”

Spock had been to the farthest ends of the universe and believed in the IDIC philosophy. Logically he should not have been surprised by the form of the aliens, and yet…

“What’s the matter, Spock, you’ve never seen a sentient eating utensil before?” Jack’s arrogance was breathtaking, but so was the smile that followed it. “That’s OK, I haven’t either. Heard about them though.”

Spock wanted to analyze the “forks” for potential weaknesses. Jack had a different plan and considering that the silverware was replicating and flinging itself toward then, Spock was inclined to agree.


star trek, fanfic, drabble, in too deep, drabble-a-day 2011, torchwood, come as you're not 2009, jack harkness, consci_fan_mo, real!jack

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