Drabble-a-Day 2011 November Statistics

Dec 05, 2011 12:45

Thanks again to everyone who's been on the journey with me. It's been a long year and we're almost done!

If anyone has a "burning desire" prompt that you've given me before and I haven't gotten to OR one you've been dreaming of, but haven't dropped yet....this is pretty much your last chance. Prompt post, with screened comments is here: http://karaokegal.livejournal.com/1108250.html

Total fics: 30
Number of Fandoms: 14, including one crossover, one original fic and an RPF.

Fandoms by numbers of fic

House MD-5
Doctor Who-3
White Collar-3
Life On Mars-1
State of Play-1
Covert Affairs-1
RPF-1 (Gospel singers.)
BBC Sherlock-1

Types of stories by number of fic. (I'll admit that some of the categories are iffy, but it's my challenge so I get to make the final call.)

Slash-15 (including 4 femslash stories)
Het 8

Pairings/OT3 with the most fic-Jack/Gwen, with 4. Some of those fics weren't "pure" Jack/Gwen, but it was strongly implied.

Crackiest thing I wrote this month, which also qualifies for least popular: Simple Truth. There's absolutely no audience for female gospel singer RPF? Who knew?

Most popular-by comments. Sooner Or Later. And the real!Jack believers and Jack/Gwen shippers come out to support a bit of Jack coming back to Torchwood angst.

drabble-a-day 2011

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