Which I shall title Perils of Watching Promos
This week was a good example of why I’m better off NOT watching the promos. I honestly thought the whole episode was gonna be some horrifying cutesy round of pranks with a lot of schmoopy fanservice thrown in and a chance to show that House is really a nice guy or at least he is regarding Wilson, which would have caused projectile vomiting. Luckily that didn’t happen.
(I would also have appreciated not being spoiled for the BIG reveal of the arsenal.)
I will say the connection between Wilson assuming House has a gun and then needing to break in and look for it was pretty flimsy and the “trap” was ridiculous over-kill. None of it felt even as organic to the plot as the stuff from “Safe.” I did like House’s smile when he realized he was trapped in the bathroom. It was about the farthest level of schmoopy fanservice vs subtext that I can handle these days and it did reflect the admiration/affection level from the cane-cutting.
The writers also seem to have gotten it through their heads that at his point, you can’t have anyone physically hurt House and still maintain any level of sympathy even if Wilson is in some way justified. Again, the fall in “Safe” was acceptable, but the trip-wire stunt that Cuddy pulled in “The Greater Good,” and the stuff that Lucas did in “Moving The Chains” really poisoned that well.
I wish they’d kind of left it there, because the scene with the “gun” in House’s office felt very off-kilter. RSL and Hugh Laurie honestly seemed to be on different pages, and RSL as Wilson was practically bi-polar, going from high camp to Babies and Bathwater seriousness, when neither seemed exactly right. I really got the idea that the whole sub-plot was being thrown in to pad out an episode where they didn’t have enough medical stuff to carry a full hour.
Further proof…the Adams/Park stuff? I’m not feeling it at all. They’re telling us one thing and not showing it at all. Charlene Yi is doing great line readings and I’m starting to think that Odette Annable is just not a good enough actress to convey whatever subtext we’re supposed to be seeing between them. Honestly---put her up against ANY of Jennifer Morrison’s scenes with the same basic dialogue (especially when she’s advocating for auto-immune) and you can see how far we’ve fallen.
The Foreman bits? EH! Was married chick the same as gym-babe? I don’t think so, but if not, where the hell did married chick come from? Did we lose a scene somewhere?
TAUB is going to start playing matchmaker or giving advice to anyone? STFU TAUB.
Chase still needs a shave. The neckbeard is not acceptable. There’s a reason we call certain fannish types neckbeards. We do not need this extremely attractive guy to look so slovenly. And don’t tell me Hugh gets away with it. He dosen’t . His beard does not extend that far down his neck. It’s gross. If I can’t have clean-shaven Chase, he at least needs to trim that crap. Get a neck Brazillion or something.
Jesse gets a few points for dead-panning through the “Hunting roos” bit, although I’d like to know where he’s getting the money to maintain a house in Australia and going on that long vacation. Whatever happened to the bit about getting cut out of the will by Rowan and not having enough money?
I kind of liked the patient this week. The cold open was extremely well done. However, I hate that we’re slouching back to all the patients and their quirks having to link up directly to the plots and the sub-sub plots.
It’s also a little unfortunate that after holding her ground so long, Park was wrong anyway. I know only House is generally allowed to be the genius, but it would have been nice for her to get this one.
Two notes about clinic duty. I’m not crazy about House the Letch only agreeing to see the hot chick, and the closing of the blinds, which I think was supposed to imply that he was doing something risqué. Yes, I know he’d have to do it for an exam anyway, but the way it was shot looked a bit creepy to me. I don’t want Asexual House, obviously, but he is the guy who mostly fucks hookers and was completely flummoxed by Stalker-chick coming on to him. I wish they wouldn’t sacrifice long-established character traits for cheap jokes.
LOVED THE GUY WITH “FROSTBITE.” That was classic House, done with a light touch. Hugh obviously enjoying himself and the show reminding us that House will always sympathize with a certain kind of of bad guy.
Not sure how I feel about the elevator scene. I wouldn’t mind Park/Chase if only to fuck with expectations, but my feverish fanfic brain is desperate for hard-core Wilson/Park and/or hate!sex Park/Adams.
Last scene: angsty, man-pain House. No H/W fanservice. Best of all a reference to House’s father. I pretty much take the crap from “Birthmarks” the way I take the crap from ODOR-it’s CRAP! However, even it’s true, it’s clear that House considers John his father and so much of his self-esteem issues are wrapped up in that relationship.
That bit redeemed most of the rubbish. I’d rate this one about a B-. (Maybe I can get a job recapping for TWoP).