Title: Being Alive
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Gwen, Gwen/Esther
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 327. Prompt from
larebilinyc: Gwen/Esther - Survivor's Guilt (during/after 4.10). Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Jack deals with death in his own way. Gwen has something else in mind.
Someone to hurt you too deep. )
He's rough with her, just like the first time in his office after Owen and Tosh-he slams her up against a wall, pins her hands down with his, nips at her neck and makes her gasp-and yet, when they lie together in the afterglow, he sighs and holds her close, his voice soft: "At least you're still here."
"I'm sorry about Esther," she whispers. His only response is to pull her in closer, but she squeezes her eyes shut and thinks of Rhys.
This version is 85 words long with minimal telling ("He's rough with her" is the only line that really tells anything). It's definitely different than what you were going for; in your drabble, I presume Gwen turned down Jack because she realized he wanted to use sex to deal with his survivor's guilt, but she recognized that she can't keep doing that. So this isn't a direct rewrite of your drabble, but rather pulls some ideas from it.
Here's my rationale behind my word choices:
So, like I said, it's not a rewrite of your drabble, but hopefully you can pull out some of what I mean by showing instead of telling and can identify places in your drabble where you can show instead of tell. Here are a couple lines that I felt would work way better as telling:
Sooo yeah, apparently I like writing long comments. \o/ But really, it's because I think your fic is wonderful in character analysis and development, and I would really love to see the writing match the level of depth you have with the characters, because that would make for an incredible and poignant drabble. :) Hope that helps.
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