Title: Lotta's Fountain
Fandom: McMillan & Wife
Pairing: Mac/Sally (others implied)
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 300. Prompt from
Photo Prompt.
This photo. SPaG check by
proseac1. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Duties and obligations.
It was an insanely early hour to be up and shivering at the corner of Market and Kearny, especially considering how late he’d been out crusing on Polk Street. Nevertheless, this was both a duty and an honor.
He felt Sally take his hand as the Mayor began his remarks. You’re a lucky man, Stewart McMillan. Lucky in ways that only he and Sally would ever know. He’d found the perfect wife; someone who could organize a dinner for twenty and still look stunning at 5:12AM every April 18th.
If only he knew how to be the perfect husband.