"Senses Working Overtime" House MD drabble House/Chase

Oct 16, 2011 00:35

Title: Senses Working Overtime
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Chase
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 288. Happy Birthday aithlyn. Poetry prompt from sakinow: But thinking of your eyes, dear, I become Dumb: for they flamed and it was me they burned-Edward Thomas. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome ( Read more... )

house/chase, house md, drabble-a-day 2011, greg house, robert chase, drabble

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Comments 12

damigella_314 October 16 2011, 07:53:25 UTC
Ha! House is getting back at you. A vintage production. The poem fits so well of course, and the ability to sit silent and let House think... fantastic. I always find something to like whatever fandom you're writing for, but when you write classic!house it's a deeper pleasure.

I'll even overlook the missing d in inclined and the fact you posted after midnight ;).


karaokegal October 16 2011, 19:44:33 UTC
I should get myself together to post before midnight tonight so I'll be back on course. The birthday girl and I have shared a lot of Chase love and spotting House/Chase subtext, even with the major House/Wilson subtext in the foreground. Typo fixed. Thanks for the catch.


kytivafan October 16 2011, 11:21:06 UTC
I quite like this, it makes me long for the good ole days of House. Maybe I will watch some of S1 or S2 today.


karaokegal October 16 2011, 19:46:57 UTC
Glad you liked. I love the way we got little glimpses of how the original FCC group came to House and I like to expand on those. One reason I hated Season 4 was finding out too much about the various contestants in great globs of exposition, instead getting subtle hints about their pasts and issues.


ladygray99 October 16 2011, 15:42:41 UTC
I know I'm old school but I do love me a bit of House/Chase. :)


karaokegal October 16 2011, 19:47:19 UTC


chocolate_frapp October 16 2011, 15:54:16 UTC


karaokegal October 16 2011, 19:47:51 UTC
No one can resist them.


michele659 November 1 2011, 18:20:39 UTC
I love the way you set up the scene and wove the poem's meaning into it.
Vintage House/Chase! Chase understanding House and what he needs. I didn't think it was just hero worship and it annoyed me when the writers would make it seem like it was,or that Chase wasn't part of the games they played.


karaokegal November 3 2011, 17:51:03 UTC
The writers have been super inconsistent, but if you pick the right episodes there's a pretty good case to be made for House and Chase, both in terms of respect and sexual chemistry. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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