Title: Bright As Yellow
Fandom: Doctor Who
Character: Weeping Angel
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 278. Prompt from
dw100. Challenge #368-Colour. Written for
sharp2799, who suggested Weeping Angels and Sunny Yellow. Beta by
evila_elf. Comments and concrit welcome, athough I know this is kind of a weird one.
Summary: The beginning of the end.
How it had come to be here or even where here was, the Angel did not know.
During its dormancy, much time had passed; possibly eons. Now it was awakened, if not completely alive. There was enough warmth from a nearby star to begin the process. It must have been placed out-of-doors, the Angel surmised, its physical appearance doing the job it had been so well designed for.
The Angel felt itself growing stronger. Sensing no observers, it risked a glimpse and was suffused in the yellow light of Sol. Earth then, with humans nearby.
Soon the Angel would feed.