"A Heart Will Break" House MD drabble Marco, Night Janitor

Sep 08, 2011 22:10

Title: A Heart Will Break
Fandom: House MD
Characters: Marco, Night Janitor
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 251. Written for PPTH_Support Drabble Challenge #53-Merry Little Christmas. Beta'd by leiascully. Missing scene from MLC.
Summary: Marco tries to tell his side of the story.

It's no consolation that we're free like the birds )

house md, drabble-a-day 2011, fanfic, drabble

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Comments 7

damigella_314 September 9 2011, 06:18:27 UTC
This is so sad and so true. It's not medicine that save people, it's doctors, but not everybody can see that. And a night janitor can have insight and heart. So IC.


karaokegal September 9 2011, 16:07:54 UTC
Thanks. I think it's more likely that the Pharmacist would put his faith in the drugs instead of the Doctors and that his resentment against House was building up a long time.


chocolate_frapp September 9 2011, 14:54:35 UTC
I hate to sound dumb but who the hell is Marco?


karaokegal September 9 2011, 16:03:16 UTC
See cuddyclothes reply below. He appeared several times in the first three seasons and he along with Dwarf-mom and Weird Night Janitor Who Wears His Pants Backwards (who may or may not be named Lew or Blue) were sort of the reason I started ppth_support


cuddyclothes September 9 2011, 15:37:34 UTC
The pharmacist. Wilson yells for him when none of his prescriptions are being filled during the Tritter arc.


karaokegal September 9 2011, 16:04:27 UTC
Exactly. And he was the one who House bullied into giving him Mr. Zebalusky's pain meds. I have a feeling he's been nursing a grudge against House for a long time. Maybe he goes out drinking with Nurse Brenda and they have bitch sessions about him.


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karaokegal September 23 2011, 22:52:09 UTC
Thanks, sweetie! I've always loved the glimpses we got of the non-leading players in House MD episodes. The show is at its best when we know that PPTH actually has more going on than House's case of the week.


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