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Comments 25

teamharkness August 21 2011, 06:38:39 UTC

The issue with me wasn't so much the torturing because yes, Jack had been through it with The Master but ... The Master was a madman ( ... )


karaokegal August 21 2011, 16:05:58 UTC
And of course, assuming we're in the Pre-Utopia Time-Line, the thing with the Master hasn't happened yet. I think for me I didn't put that much investment in the Jack/Angelo relationship. Yes, it was hot and I do believe Jack cared for him, but if nothing else he'd already been through the Time Agency AND probably been betrayed by John Hart at least once (probably more.) He may also have already been "go to torture guy" for either Torchwood or the Agency. So he's no innocent and already has a certain amount of blood on his hands. I'm not victim blaming or shaming here and it was certainly horrific. Mostly I'm giving myself ways of dealing with the scene. (Like the various hand-waves people do for Jack coming out of the "buried alive" period with charm and sanity in tact.)


teamharkness August 21 2011, 17:58:15 UTC

Jane said that what happened with Angelo was more than likely Post-S1 but Pre-COE. miss_bekahrose had a good theory (and it wasn't bunnies!) that it happened while The Doctor was mourning the master after EOT. So yes, the thing with the Master HAD happened. There's so many theories and so little clarification, it's driving my need to know things batshit crazy ( ... )


karaokegal August 22 2011, 02:46:31 UTC
Bringing in Jane (and Doris) was a stroke of genius. They definitely needed to get Torchwood away from the Moran/Chibnall crowd.


ebineez01 August 21 2011, 06:43:09 UTC
so - first of all - OMFG! Right ( ... )


ebineez01 August 21 2011, 06:51:57 UTC
also - forgot to mention my love of all the Doctor references in this one. Jack is still so in love there - 'you don't know if you wanna kiss me or kill me - right?'
so he's trying to fill his 'Doctor void' by being like the Doctor & having a companion of his own


karaokegal August 21 2011, 16:10:47 UTC
TOTALLY! I don't know if Jane came up with that stuff by herself or RTD coached her, but either way, it totally made the episode.


karaokegal August 21 2011, 16:09:23 UTC
Twirling you in a happy dance.

This was reallyreallyreally real!Jack. That aspect just gets better and better. The window scene was so freaking HOT and I could easily imagine Jack finding a way to get the girl too, although I have a feeling Angelo wouldn't have gone for the threesome either. (Jack still wants to get back to Jack/Doctor/Rose, as far as I'm concerned.) I honestly feel his seduction moments with Angelo were the sexiest he's been since the hand scene in CJH.

The Jack/Gwen stuff was beyond amazing. I just love that THEIR love is now canon. He's said it loud and clear. FUCK YOU GWEN-HATERS!

John was amazing. My love for him grows by leaps and bounds all the time when I wouldn't have thought that was possible.


dafnagreer August 21 2011, 07:30:44 UTC
I really liked this ep, but it's almost as if it came from a completely different show than the previous few weeks. I can't help thinking this should have been like the second episode and only then do we get to meet all these other people (or maybe about half of them) who I just do not care about at all. The seduction scene was way hot -- and it actually felt in character, not just Barrowman being flirty. In fact, in general, I thought this was some of his best acting in awhile.

Also, Nana Visitor! I am easy to please. I hope she sticks around some more.


karaokegal August 21 2011, 16:28:26 UTC
Barrowman was beyond awesome this week and the seduction scenes reminded of his finest moments in CJH and The Empty Child. I don't know whether to thank Jane Espenson or RTD, but I'm just so damn happy. The validation of all the things I've written either as Meta or fic is very gratifying.


lucy_locket August 21 2011, 08:16:35 UTC
Yay I fucking loved this episode. It's so good to have people who feel pretty much the same as I do. These days that's a rare thing.

Angelo's probably gonna get the inevitable bit of hate, just because he's not Ianto etc etc, but I really liked him. He was complex, I like that. People in the fandom seem to think Ianto is super complex but I dunno, I just find him boring these days. Angelo is way more interesting to me.


karaokegal August 21 2011, 16:24:02 UTC
If Angelo gets hate then it just proves that they're only invested in their circle jerk of Ianto love and can't stand Jack being who he was and who he is and will always be.

They can't even hate on him for not having a character, since he clearly got way more character development than the bartender OR Ianto and his issues were believable and well-acted. To me the thing about Jack KNOWING he felt miserable and guilty and still fucking him was BRILLIANT! He MIGHT love this guy, but he's still a bastard. DREAMY. It's very much like a lot of my J/I fanon and fanfic.


rustydog August 21 2011, 15:44:44 UTC

Just finished watching it. ALL THE SQUEEEEE. And I'll add Nana Visitor squee. :)

Poor Andy, he's killed someone now. He really is Torchwood-adjacent.

Unfortunately the sound on my TV makes it difficult to hear dialogue very well and I think I missed several little Jack-Gwen things. What did they say to each other right after he says "It's a talent of mine" and before their quick hug?

(Re your sleepless night, that's my personal problem with spoilers and even promos! I get obsessed with little details that rarely materialize the way I fear and all that anxiety makes the experience of watching less fun. *rolls eyes at self*)


karaokegal August 21 2011, 16:15:13 UTC
Glad to hear I'm not alone on this thing with internalizing and obsessing about the spoilers. In a way, that kind of ruined Season 2 for me. The J/I spoilers in the run-up (and again for CoE) always sounded dead wrong for Jack's character and made me dread the whole thing ( ... )


rustydog August 21 2011, 16:51:31 UTC
Ah, thank you for the dialogue fill-in! Whew. ::shivers:: Their relationship is complex and I'm glad they're still being allowed to walk that line, that if anything it's getting messier without being destroyed. (I missed the "I love you" stuff too! I'll have to go back and see if I can hear it, now that I know where it is. Or wait for the DVD when I can use captions, sigh.)

The Jack/Angelo "dirty talk" scene was the sexiest thing we've seen Jack do onscreen since CJH.

Homg. I really enjoyed that.

Also interesting that Jack wants to live SO BADLY. In the past there were times when I thought he might take the ability to die as a blessing (or at least that his immortality was a curse), but I also love that he clings not just to life but to BEING ALIVE. I suppose that's how he's survived emotionally. Very Jack.


karaokegal August 21 2011, 16:54:11 UTC
If I were a vidder, I'd SO be making a fan-vid to Barrowman singing "Being Alive" right now.


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