Torchwood: Miracle Day-Episode 4-SQUEEEEEEEE POST

Jul 30, 2011 21:18


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jack/gwen, torchwood, jack harkness, gwen cooper

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Comments 17

teamharkness July 31 2011, 05:24:58 UTC
before the show got somewhat de-railed.

I know just what you're talking about. LOL.


karaokegal July 31 2011, 07:22:52 UTC
Jack is so much more like Jack than he has been since KKBB.


teamharkness July 31 2011, 08:16:44 UTC
I really kind of loved all the flirting. Okay. Not Kind Of. I did.


karaokegal July 31 2011, 18:46:04 UTC
Epic flirting and so much more natural and believable than any of so-called Jack/Ianto "banter". (The stuff in Sleeper was especially cringe-worthy.)


chewy_101 July 31 2011, 07:05:13 UTC
Could it have been derailed by a Jianto train???
Takin' a guess...

The show is packed with adventure, suspense, great writing, clever humour, so many great things....

When Jack and Gwen are fucking one another with their eyes, I see Torchwood....

But that happens for 2 minutes of the episode, and I have yet to see sci-fi or aliens. This is not Torchwood.

I LOVE it. But not Torchwood. Too pretty, not enough campy. I am hoping the brilliant writers are slicking the throats of America to swallow the great pill that is Torchwood, but it has not happened for me yet.

I love you, Stars, for taking this on. I am on board for the entire ride. I am just stil holding my breath.


chewy_101 July 31 2011, 07:10:00 UTC
I typoed and mispelled Ianto, very ashamed of myself....


karaokegal July 31 2011, 07:21:36 UTC
Well, you almost used the loathesome, disgusting smushname of the so-called canon slash ship, so maybe that was what you had in mind.

Torchwood always was pretty. That was half the idea, especially with Jack and Gwen, but also Tosh and Owen. That's why it was supposed to be show where everybody screwed everybody, because everybody was pretty.

It SOUNDS like they are going for something supernatural or alien so that aspect of what it makes it "Torchwood" for you may be arriving soon.


chewy_101 July 31 2011, 07:29:26 UTC
Seriously long foreplay, though. Bring it, Torchwood! Enough tickling!

I swear, when Gwen and jack complimented one another's costumnes, so adorable and hot.
And they keep HINTING at the powers behind the drug companies, reveal the alien secrets!!!


karaokegal July 31 2011, 18:47:17 UTC
Well, RTD has ten episodes to tell one story, so I guess he is being a bit of tease.


cryssiemarsters July 31 2011, 12:25:20 UTC
This episode was a treat for us J/G fans! :) The undercover park scene was like a happy J/G AU world. :) So carefree, casual, happy. That's my out-of-TW-Jack&Gwen. :) Holding hands. Ah, love. <3 And "our baby": :D :P Yeah, you should go there someday! ;)
And the other undercover scene with the flirty convo. :) She starts the flirting with calling him handsome and commenting on the uniform he's wearing. And yeah he was sexy in that outfit.:P

I loved how he's always on alert to protect her. When that guy captured them, Jack was leave-her-alone-take-me all along. The fear of her getting hurt was etched on his face. <3


karaokegal July 31 2011, 18:51:18 UTC
Fo'shizzle! I haven't looked in at the land of the Gwen-haters yesterday, but this episode must have put them in a serious tizzy because it was pretty much a J/G fest showing them as natural partners (if just on a professional level) and how unbelievably natural they are together. (Making me think once again that From Out Of The Rain would have been more of a J/G confirmation if Eve had been available and the script hadn't been re-written.) As I said to Chewy, the two of them are smooth and natural together in a way that J/I NEVER were not matter how much those shipper wanted to see it. Look at every single one of their "banter" scenes compare to this (OR to Jack & Gwen in TTLM for instance.) Not even close.


louiseroho July 31 2011, 17:14:49 UTC
That would be "Fabulous flop-house guy"
I'm also waiting for the Tosh-shout-out.

I wonder if they are making Rex a super-prick so that when he eventually winds up being dead-is-dead he can redeem himself by telling Dr. House that he really does love her but didn't want her to grow too attached to his fucked-up bod.


karaokegal July 31 2011, 18:55:28 UTC
I love Dr. Vera House so much, but I'm not sure what we're supposed to feel about super-stair-climbing Rex at this point. Obviously he's a bit Owen-ish, (complete with parental issues) and I do like what Mekhi Phifer is doing with the role, but he's kind of all over the place and sort of duplicating bits of what existing characters are there for anyway. I'm not sure "being Jack's straight straight-man" is quite enough of a raison detre, although I'll take it for now, especially if he does some more Jack/Gwen shipping along the way.


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