Title: Stupid Art Thief Tricks
Fandom: White Collar
Characters: Neal, Keller (mention of Kate)
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 199. Prompt from
whitecollar100. Challenge #55-Drip. (Believe it or not, I didn't actually read the suggestions until after I'd written the drabble.) SPaG look-over from
proseac1. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Keller is a bad influence on Neal; or maybe it's the other way round.
“What are you doing inside on such a nice day?”
The voice of his mother echoes in his memory. Then he’d be holed up in his room reading art books. Today’s he’s inside the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles with Matthew Keller.
Keller has already taken a security pass off an unsuspecting docent.
“That one,” Keller says, pointing at Number 3, 1948.
Neal shakes his head at the passionate madness of Pollock’s deliberately random spatters. He’s not that angry, except when he remembers that Kate left him.
“OK,” he says, sealing the deal with handshake. “I’ll do it.”