"Suffer Well" House MD Zombie drabble Rating-PG GEN

Jul 09, 2011 21:51

Title: Suffer Well
Fandom: House MD
Characters: House, Foreman, Cameron, Chase, Cuddy, Wilson, ZOMBIES!
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 190. Inspired by THIS MEME. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: House's toughest case.

Everything's better with zombies )

zombies, house md, drabble-a-day 2011, fanfic, crack!fic, drabble

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Comments 17

khylara July 10 2011, 10:51:23 UTC
It was either going to be that or lupus :} A shame about Wilson though.


karaokegal July 12 2011, 17:42:03 UTC
Well...you know. And maybe now they'll be able to cure everyone in time to save Wilson.


proseac1 July 10 2011, 12:12:00 UTC
LOL You are seriously warped, you know that?

Loved it. :)


karaokegal July 12 2011, 17:42:28 UTC
LOL You are seriously warped, you know that?

You're just figuring this out now?


proseac1 July 12 2011, 18:56:58 UTC
No...just voicing it now...*ducks*


chocolate_frapp July 10 2011, 14:22:45 UTC
hehe. In the House vs. zombies fic I wrote a couple of years ago, House has Wilson take a chunk of zombie to the lab and tells him "have it tested for everything except lupus".
this is brilliant.


karaokegal July 12 2011, 17:43:43 UTC
Glad you liked. Zombies are generally not my thing, so this was more of a goof than anything else.


littlemaniac July 10 2011, 15:35:09 UTC
Poor Wilson! But being you, you wouldn't of course take the obvious path and let them get Cuddy! =)


karaokegal July 12 2011, 17:48:00 UTC
Well if they got Cuddy, that wouldn't give House an epiphany. For some reason Wilson just seemed a more likely victim.


srsly_yes July 10 2011, 16:48:08 UTC
Hee! The supply closet--where else would House and the team be performing a DDx? ..."What causes mindless violence, an appalling complexion and a ravenous desire to eat brains?”. Great line in a wonderful drabble.


karaokegal July 12 2011, 17:45:29 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I could definitely hear House saying that in his DDX voice.


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