Ganked from
teamharkness and presented in honor of Torchwood: Miracle Day, premiering on July 8, 2011.
Questions Day 20 - Your favourite Owen moment
The Owen/Gwen "up against a tree" kiss in Countrycide. Because Owen Harper is a SEXY BASTARD and Gwen wants him real bad!
Unfortunately I can't find a decent clip of it on Youtube.
BIG PICTURE behind the cut. @@@@@@
GWEN: Couldn't you have kept that to yourself?
OWEN: What's the matter, you embarrassed?
GWEN: You're such an arrogant shit sometimes, Owen!
OWEN: See? To my mind that was a good kiss. It was borderline great. So good in
fact, you've been avoiding me ever since.
GWEN: Ha! Country air's making you delusional.
OWEN: How long did it last? Ten seconds? But the things I can tell from that kiss.
GWEN: Oh, like?
OWEN: Like your sex life ain't up to much.
(Angry, Gwen grabs Owen and pushes him up against the tree.)
GWEN: You what?!
OWEN: You see, old Rhys makes the earth rumble, but he don't make it move, does he?
GWEN: You might want to shut up before I lamp you one.
(Owen turns Gwen and pushes her up back against the tree.)
OWEN: When was the last time you screwed all night?
(Gwen grabs the back of Owen’s head, her fingers tangled in his hair.)
OWEN: When was the last time you came so hard, and so long, you forgot where you
are? Doesn't happen with him, does it? You're too familiar. Whereas, you and me, we're not
cozy at all. We'd be amazing! And that scares the shit out of you.