I don't see any green dots.

Sep 05, 2007 23:36

I'm bored. I'm lonely. I'm not writing. I should be going to sleep so I can get up and go to the gym, but for some reason I'm not doing that. If I turn on the TV, I'm just going to sit watching BBCA to watch the Torchwood promos ( Read more... )

journal, barrow-mania

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Comments 17

spoopy September 6 2007, 06:50:11 UTC
I'm here!


karaokegal September 6 2007, 16:43:28 UTC
Thanks hon! I ended up staying on line for an other doing some really compulsive stuff with my LJ and crashed around 1:30AM. I did manage to haul my butt to the gym this morning, not sure how much use I'm going to be on the Desk Of Doom though.


haldane September 6 2007, 10:22:19 UTC
Do you use YIM?


karaokegal September 6 2007, 16:43:50 UTC
Gmail Chat.


savemoony September 6 2007, 11:00:02 UTC


karaokegal September 6 2007, 16:44:45 UTC
Kewl! Maybe with my beta notes? Pretty, pretty please with sugar on it?


savemoony September 6 2007, 16:53:58 UTC


lifebecomesart September 6 2007, 11:49:15 UTC
I went to A Different Light on Castro Street and the two guys behind the counter didn't even know who he was. Tell me there's not something wrong when I have to spread the Gospel Of John to gay boys in a gay bookstore in San Francisco.

That statement made my morning LOL

And only my gay English friends know about John (well knew about John before I told them). Gotta wait till Torchwood spreads like wildfire through the US before he's well known here I guess.


karaokegal September 6 2007, 16:54:17 UTC
I'm not sure that BBCA is going to be enough of a venue for the "wildfire" effect.

And only my gay English friends know about John
REALLY? Cause I got the impression he was kind of ubiquitous over there, because of all the telly clips, but what do I know?


lifebecomesart September 7 2007, 03:58:46 UTC
No I meant my gay American friends have no clue who he is. All my English friends know him.


hannahrorlove September 6 2007, 15:41:55 UTC
I'd gone to bed by the time you posted this. But if I'm there with a green dot, I'm up for talking.


karaokegal September 6 2007, 16:58:56 UTC
It was pretty late! I busied myself in many nefarious ways.


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