"Take Another Look" White Collar RPF Matt/Simon, Matt/Tim

May 24, 2011 20:41

Title: Take Another Look
Fandom: White Collar RPF
Pairings: Matt/Simon, Matt/Tim
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 144. MMOM Day 24. Prompt from photoash: Simon's thoughts on Matt and Tim's PDA. Companion piece to Long Distance Calling Plan. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Simon really isn't jealous.

We're playing silly games )

mmom, fanfic, mmom 2011, drabble, white collar, drabble-a-day 2011, rpf, slash

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Comments 7

photoash May 25 2011, 15:17:51 UTC
Waaaaa this is delicious :D :D :D I love it!!! :D

That Simon is a bit jealous but also gets off on the cuckold fantasy and takes Matt's fantasy and co-opts it!

Now it makes me wonder if anyone ends up acting on it <3 that could be some hot skype girl!

Great take on Simon!!

Thank you for doing my prompt <3 !


karaokegal May 25 2011, 19:12:41 UTC
Whoooo-hooooo! It's an interesting dynamic. I mean Simon is in the publicity game himself. He KNOWS that without the Matt/Tim chemistry the show might not have gone beyond the first season, so in a way all the fanservice and slash hype are in his own interests. But it's still gotta hurt a little, even if it all gets transmorgified into their fantasy lives.

(Feel free to pick up the bunny and run with it, if you'd like to a Matt/Simon (Tim) Skype fic for MMOM.)


photoash May 25 2011, 19:55:27 UTC
Exactly all you said <3 that's what fascinates me with the whole thing :D how it must be such an interesting duality in his feelings! (because yes he's still human of course it hurts a bit to see your husband all over another man over and over outside of his character -- it's not like Matt's being Neal he's being Matty and still all over Tim instead of Neal kissing Sara which I would imagine Simon could care less - that's work).

Mmm I might. I actually wrote a Simon and Tim discussing Matt fic for daria234 in our email prompt exchange I'm thinking about posting but I fear there is little audience beyond her and afiawri who I already emailed it too XD LOL (and I hate editing so much :( I never want to post shit).

I feel so guilty that I have a mmom fic I wrote before May 1 that I still haven't finished editing to post!


karaokegal May 25 2011, 22:35:34 UTC
I'll make a deal...you write it and I'll beta. Or if you want me to lookover something you've already done, just for spelling/grammar, I'd be happy to do that as well.


afiawri May 26 2011, 04:20:24 UTC
Whoot, that is some hot stuff. I love your reconcilinig of the Tim/Matt public flirtiness and Matt/Simon. And then making it hot on top of that. Love it!


karaokegal May 26 2011, 18:11:32 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I think it's an interesting situation, given how much the off-screen chemistry IS being deliberately played up.


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