Ask Me Questions Meme (It's that time again.)

Apr 14, 2011 15:13

Ganked from zekkass.

The problem with the internet is that we might think we know each other, but there are plenty of things we miss. Here's your chance to ask me anything you want to know. It can be big or little, about the past or opinions or unimportant little extras. Whatever it is, just ask!


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Comments 16

hllangel April 14 2011, 22:18:05 UTC
Have you ever regretted a color used for the Goddess Nails?

(Random question is random. But I swear I'm actually getting *something* done right now.)


karaokegal April 14 2011, 22:49:52 UTC
Not really. I don't tend to do anything very extreme, although lately I'm on a run through all of Opi's red colors. This one is called "I'm Not Really a Waitress."

... )


cuddyclothes April 15 2011, 00:34:09 UTC
How tall are you?


karaokegal April 15 2011, 03:20:11 UTC
Five feet, three and a half inches.


ashley_pitt April 15 2011, 00:44:40 UTC
When will you write another G/F story..... *g*


karaokegal April 15 2011, 03:22:21 UTC
Stay tuned. Pretty much as soon as a prompt inspires me.
(And I'm definitely looking for mmom prompts:


dref22 April 15 2011, 06:13:50 UTC
What was your first fandom?


karaokegal April 15 2011, 06:48:23 UTC
Two part answer-Back in the mists of pre-history, I was an ol' school Trekkie. I wrote fic in fanzines and went to conventions.

I gafiated (Got Away From It All) around 1982 and came back to the crazy world of on-line fandom and therefore LJ because of House MD in 2005.


dref22 April 15 2011, 19:29:31 UTC
Whoa you waited for a long time! :D You have no interest in Trek anymore? I am a huuuuge TNG fan.


karaokegal April 15 2011, 19:33:08 UTC
I wouldn't say "no interest." I've written fic for both TOS and Reboot, but I never got into TNG or any of the other series, and the thing that made me want to be IN fandom when I was a kid doesn't really drive me in terms of the show anymore. When I catch re-runs, I'm sometimes kind of embarrassed. Vast swaths of it don't hold up particularly well.


damigella_314 April 15 2011, 07:40:52 UTC
What color are your eyes?


karaokegal April 15 2011, 19:28:14 UTC


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