Merry Month Pimpage and request for prompts!

Apr 13, 2011 12:44

The Merry Month of Masturbation is running again!

The Merry Month of May Masturbation ( Read more... )

mmom, drabble-a-day 2011, pimping, mmom 2011, drabble

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damigella_314 April 13 2011, 20:15:33 UTC
You must know what I want, but in case you don't, I want a RPW. Actually, two. One of Hugh thinking of Bobby, one of Bobby thinking of Hugh.
Please. Pretty please. Per favore. S'il te plait. Bitte. Por favor.
Thank you. Grazie. Danke. Merci. Hvala. Tak so mycket. Gracias.
[I can say thanks in more languages than I can say please.]
And this year I'm taking part in MMOM as well.


karaokegal May 27 2011, 03:08:36 UTC
I've been struggling with your requests. I actually feel that for the time being, the verse is "closed" and if I were going to revisit the saga, I'd want to do it more justice than I can in a drabble.

If you want to throw a different prompt at me, I'd be happy to tackle it.


damigella_314 May 27 2011, 05:05:30 UTC
Sure. I'll think about it. Thanks, and never struggle too hard with requests from me.


karaokegal May 27 2011, 05:49:39 UTC
I still have your requests from the main prompt post and I'll do at least one of those. I try never to turn down a prompt. I have a "Karaokegal can do anything" mentality, but this is a special case.


damigella_314 May 27 2011, 06:03:39 UTC
Don't try too hard. And thanks for the lovely trips pics!


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