"Don't Tell Mama" House MD drabble Lisa Cuddy, Arlene Cuddy GEN

Mar 31, 2011 17:44

Title: Don't Tell Mama
Fandom: House MD
Characters: Lisa Cuddy, Arlene Cuddy, (mention of Greg House) GEN-fic
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-A-Day 2011 Day 90. Prompt from lauriedonachy, who wanted something with Cuddy and her mom. Beta'd by michelleann68. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Sometimes even Cuddy needs her mother.

And we hit the 90 day mark! )

lisa cuddy, house md, drabble-a-day 2011, fanfic, drabble

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Comments 8

damigella_314 April 1 2011, 05:27:47 UTC
That's another dream sequence, like most of bombshells, right?
There is no way in hell Arlene will say those words to her daughter, or resist kicking her once she's down on the floor. But a nice dream it is.
I must admit that the one thought that made me sorry for Cuddy was "OhMyGod wait until her mom knows".


karaokegal April 1 2011, 16:41:44 UTC
Oooh! Interesting interpretation. Not necessarily what I was thinking, but certainly a possibility. I appreciate the comment.


damigella_314 April 1 2011, 17:55:42 UTC
I know it wasn't in your mind. But that's the beauty of fiction, it leaves space to the interpretation.
And Arlene is a character I feel I know intimately (a dark-haired version of her raised me, after all).


karaokegal April 6 2011, 18:26:27 UTC
My mother isn't quite an Arlene, but there's a reason I'm happier seeing her about once a year, tops.


chocolate_frapp April 3 2011, 16:20:40 UTC
doesn't sound so surprising to me, Cuddy's mom isn't exactly keen on House.


karaokegal April 6 2011, 18:25:46 UTC
I thought it was kind of poignant to give Cuddy the one thing from her mother than House had wanted from his father. (Another example of the issues that could have made H/Cuddy an interesting story instead of the way it was totally botched.)


cuddyclothes May 20 2011, 00:05:51 UTC
Arlene was such a bitch, but in a way I could see this happening. However she'd follow it up with some soul-destroying comment. (Someone on that show has SERIOUS mother issues! Usually the POTW moms die.)


karaokegal May 20 2011, 00:07:12 UTC
Major mom issues. Mom's are EITHER self-sacrificing martyrs OR they're EEEEEEEVIL! Dwarf-mom was pretty much the only decent one I can think of off the top of my head.


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