"Something Bad" Buffy/Glee crossover drabble Willow, Bryan Rating-G

Mar 30, 2011 13:39

Title: Something Bad
Fandoms: Buffy/Glee crossover
Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Bryan Ryan
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 89. HAPPY BIRTHDAY blueashke! Thanks to madjaks and drunken_hedghog for Beta. Comments and concrit welcome. Takes place after Buffy Season 7 and before "Dream On" in the Glee-verse.
Summary: Music can be as powerful as witchcraft.

Under the surface; behind the scenes. )

drabble-a-day 2011, glee, fanfic, btvs, drabble

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Comments 2

blueashke March 31 2011, 01:20:16 UTC


karaokegal March 31 2011, 04:46:23 UTC
Glad you liked. Quite a challenge getting those fandoms together, but lots of fun.


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