Pairing Meme

Mar 28, 2011 16:07

Ganked from old_blueeyes

Ask me about a pairing (or character) I have written (or haven't and you think I should write) and I will give you five facts about them or a ficlet or a song that is CLEARLY THEIR SONG or what they order from the Chinese place down the street, etc, etc.

meme, fandom

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Comments 7

flavored_taser March 29 2011, 07:35:07 UTC
Sherlock and John? Sorry, when you say order from the Chinese place, that's really all I can think of. Also, after watching A Study In Pink I am unable to restrain myself from examining the lower third of the door handle at any Chinese place I eat in search of consistent patterns. I bet Sherlock orders something weird, like gizzards and cow feet because they're great for nourishment AND experimentation.

Anyway, if you don't, I'll continue to lurk on your journal? I've been doing it for three years now, so. I'm good at it. I hope that's not creepy, it's just that you keep popping up in my comms. Anyway.


karaokegal March 29 2011, 16:38:04 UTC
Hi! *waves* Feel free to continue lurk or come on and friend if you feel so inclined.

I have this odd image of Holmes intending to work his way through the menu scientifically in order to determine the absolute best thing on the menu, but never remembering what he's had before so after three months, he's still on the Mu Shu Pork.

John, I guarantee you, is a Curry man, through and through. I realize that's not what you would get at a Chinese restaurant, so unless it's a sort of pan-Asian take-away where he could at least get Tikka Masala, he usually orders at the hot end of the spectrum, Kung Pao chicken perhaps.

Sherlock is partial to spring rolls or anything he can eat with his fingers and John has taken to watching him eat those with a certain lurid fascination.


damigella_314 March 29 2011, 10:55:58 UTC
Can I say two pairings? If not, feel free to choose one.
House and Wilson _and_ Jeeves and Wooster.
Pretty please.
I love the way you write, even if it's just a few lines.


karaokegal March 29 2011, 16:51:39 UTC
Thanks sweetie. Very kind.

I've used this in a fanmix before, but I think Please Don't Die by Robbie Williams is the ultimate House/Wilson song, from Wilson's perspective.

Five completely ludicrous theories about Jeeves and Wooster.
1. Jeeves is either a Time Lord himself or has been a companion to the Doctor.
2. Bertie still has the religious devotion he showed as a child. His occasional misquotes of scripture are a way of hiding how much he believes in it, in spite of what appears to be a rather debauched lifestyle.
3. Bertie is NOT an idiot. It's all an act to keep Jeeves at his beck and call. Jeeves knows and chooses to play along for his own reasons.
4. Jeeves is actually of Bertie's class. His family has lost their money and position in a financial scandal and he's scheming to get it all back.
5. Bertie is distantly related to Jools Siviter.


damigella_314 March 29 2011, 17:29:18 UTC
Thanks! I believe in your factoid 1.
And the song certainly fits.


chocolate_frapp March 29 2011, 17:51:52 UTC
I'm willing to bet House ordered something like chicken feet the first time he and Wilson got Chinese just to see what Wilson would do.


karaokegal March 29 2011, 22:16:56 UTC
It's a possibility.


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