"Soul Inside" Bones/Torchwood crossover drabble Zach/Ianto Rating-G

Mar 27, 2011 13:26

Title: Soul Inside
Fandoms: Bones/Torchwood crossover
Pairing: Zack Addy/Ianto Jones
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 86. Prompt from dairwendan, who requested Zack/Ianto. Beta by ficbypen. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Zack doesn't keep secrets anymore.

Also available at:

And there are times when my mind is an explosion of feelings )

fanfic, drabble, ianto jones, bones, torchwood, drabble-a-day 2011, crack!fic, slash

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Comments 12

dairwendan March 27 2011, 21:47:33 UTC
Thank you! That was great! OF COURSE Hodgins would know all about Torchwood! So amazing what you can pack into 100 words! Thanks again!


karaokegal March 28 2011, 21:02:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked and I hope you feel I did Ianto justice. I had to tell Hodgins to STFU because he wanted to babble more about Torchwood and I didn't have enough room.


sariagray March 28 2011, 01:31:54 UTC
*Flails* AH! Zack! Ianto! Why have I never even considered!? And I can so see this happening, too! Bravo!


karaokegal March 28 2011, 21:02:26 UTC
Once I had the prompt, the whole thing fell into place. Glad you liked.


rift_bound March 28 2011, 19:45:34 UTC
Oh this could be a great new pairing! Loved this!


karaokegal March 28 2011, 21:02:54 UTC
Thanks sweetie! It was a fun prompt to write.


a_silver_story March 29 2011, 10:08:00 UTC
I've watched every single episode of Bones and every single episode of Torchwood, and NOT ONCE did I even ... *FLAIL*

I haz a new ship.



karaokegal March 29 2011, 16:56:53 UTC
Whooooo-hooooo! Feel free to run with it. Glad you liked.


rustydog April 4 2011, 03:37:49 UTC
I LOVE Hodgins' reaction. It's perfect. And what a great crossover! I'd never considered it either but it grooves right into place.


karaokegal April 4 2011, 04:47:55 UTC
It was a gift from my prompt post. I'm really happy with how it came out and I'm very proud of myself for a "pro-Ianto" drabble.


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