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Comments 2

vanillafluffy March 27 2011, 13:20:49 UTC
I remember the VP debates with her against Bush Sr. I remember thinking, "If they ever elected that SOB President, he'd get us into a war, no question in my mind." Fast-forward a decade, and yes, he did.



karaokegal March 27 2011, 15:48:30 UTC
I've got slightly warmer feelings about G HW Bush than I used to, following the reign of his far more evil son. Desert Storm #1 had a helluva a lot more provocation than either the Iraq or Afghanistan situations we're in now. Also, he was one of the last specimens of that now extinct breed, the Rockefeller Republican. That he had to sell out those principals to the Reagan Crowd and use the tactics of a Lee Atwater is a tragedy of sorts.

Maybe I'm just getting sappy in my old age.


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