"Nothing Left To Fear" House MD drabble House/Chase Rating-PG13

Mar 12, 2011 19:56

Title: Nothing Left To Fear
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Greg House/Robert Chase
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 71. HAPPY BIRTHDAY k_haldane! Here's some nekkid!Chase plus whumpage for you. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Warning: Violence
Summary: The cost of complacency.

It wasn’t the first time House had seen Chase naked, not a fact he would have been eager to share with the attending physician even if it didn’t happen to be Cameron.

She glared at him, knowing exactly what had happened without even asking. The home “inspections” had gotten passe. This time there’d been a neighbor with a key and a baseball bat.

Chase’s body was covered in garish bruises, which Cameron treated as delicately as she’d once bound House’s self-inflicted wounds. House watched. The sight produced an odd combination of sexual arousal and guilt.

It almost felt like love.

house/chase, house md, drabble-a-day 2011, fanfic, slash, drabble

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