"East Bay Adventure" House drabble House/Wilson Rating-G

Feb 01, 2011 14:34

Title: East Bay Adventure
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 32. HAPPY BIRTHDAY chocolate_frapp! Request for some H/W Berkeley fic. Unbeta'd.
Warning: Almost, but not quite fluffy.
Summary: Never turn your back on House.

House was like a child.

A six foot two child, who disappeared the minute Wilson looked away. House was supposed to be giving a lecture at Morrison hall in fifteen minutes and it was Wilson’s job to make sure he got there.

The idea of House with all the temptations of Telegraph Avenue at his fingertips was terrifying. Wilson looked around helplessly until he realized exactly what kind of fix House would go for.

He found his quarry in Rasputin’s Records, practically fondling a Django Reinhardt 78.

Wilson was so relieved, he didn’t argue when House made him pay.


james wilson, house md, drabble-a-day 2011, house/wilson, greg house, fanfic, drabble

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